Payment Methods

Paying Your Bill


Massachusetts Maritime Academy does not mail paper bills home to students.  All billing information is communicated to the student through their Maritime email account and can be accessed through the Self Service Portal.


Billing Schedule

There are 4 potential billing periods each year:  Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer.  Depending upon the student's academic curriculum, there may be some winter and summer terms when the student is not required to enroll.

Semester Posted Due Late Fees Added*
Fall Late June/Early July July 15th August 15th
Winter November 6 December 6 December 20
Spring Early January Early February 2 weeks after due date
Summer Early May Early June 2 weeks after due date


* These billing schedule dates are subject to change. Official due dates are outlined on billing statements, posted in the student's Self Service Student Finance portal, and late fee dates are emailed to students each semester.

*Late fees will not be assessed for anyone who is receiving veteran benefits paid directly to the Academy, including those receiving benefits under Chapter 31 and Chapter 33, as long as the student has submitted their Certificate of Eligibility from the VA prior to the due date on the bill.  If the veteran benefits do not cover the entire bill, late fees will be assessed for the portion of the bill that is not covered by the VA if those charges are not paid by the due date.

Students are encouraged to become familiar with Massachusetts Maritime Academy's Undergraduate Payment Delinquency Policy to avoid unnecessary charges and disciplinary actions.

Accessing Your Bill and Payment Options

Log into the Self Service Portal and follow the link for Student Finance.

My Account

You will find your  name on the top left hand side of the Student Finance landing page.  Use this link to set up electronic refunds, payment methods, additional users, set up text messaging options, etc.

Activity Detail

The activity detail section provides you with up to date account information, unlike the 'view statement' which provides a snapshot in time of your student account.

Payment Plans

Families may enroll in a Payment Plan to spread their semester charges over a period of time.  There is a $25 enrollment fee per term to participate in the payment plan.  The Fall Plan begins on July 15th and continues through October 15th. All fall charges must be paid in full by the last payment.  The Winter plan covers 2 months (November 15th and December 15th).  The Spring plans begins on January 15th and ends on April 15th.  the Summer plan covers 2 months (May 15th and June 15th).

View Statement

This is where you can view your billing statement as of a certain date.  To view real time activity, see Activity Detail above.

Excess Funds for Supplies

Students can determine if they have excess anticipated funding to use for the purchase of books and supplies by going to the Activity Detail section.  If you see a credit balance at the bottom, that means that you have excess funds. 

Electronic refunds

There are many instances where a student may receive a refund from Massachusetts Maritime Academy (overpayment, excess financial aid, deposit refunds, etc.).  The easiest way to receive a refund is through electronic means.  We will deposit your refund directly into the bank account of your choice.  Receiving funds in this manner takes only a few days.  If you do not set up an electronic refund, you could wait up to 3 weeks before receiving a refund check.  We highly recommend that all students set up electronic refunds, even if you do not anticipate ever receiving one, just in case.

Additional Payers

If someone else, like a parent or other individual will be assisting you with the payment of your bill, it is highly recommended that you provide their contact information on this link.  They will receive their own log in credentials to be able to access and pay your bill.  Rather than logging in using the Self Service Portal, Authorized Users will log in using the Parent Payment Portal. They will also receive similar emails to the ones that you will receive whenever there is activity on your e-bill.  If you do not assign any Authorized Users, it is your responsibility to communicate billing amounts and deadlines to anyone assisting with paying your educational expenses.  If the parent needs to have their password reset, the only one who can do this is the student.

Saved Accounts

If you will be making payments from a personal savings or checking account you can enter the information in this section.