Types of Aid

Understanding your award


We have outlined the various types of Financial Aid programs available at Massachusetts Maritime Academy to inform you of some general policies and guidelines that govern our various aid programs. 

If you need further assistance please contact the Office of Student Financial Services


Scholarships and waivers are considered gift aid, and do not have to be repaid.

The following opportunities are available to incoming undergraduate students.  No additional application materials are required unless noted below; the Admissions Office will use the information that you have provided on the application to make decisions on scholarship recipients. Scholarship decisions are made based on admission credentials at the time the student is admitted.  Updated transcripts sent to Admissions Office after acceptance will not be taken into consideration for merit aid. Due to the competitiveness of these scholarships, the earlier a student applies for admission, the better the chance of being considered for a merit scholarship. 

Admiral Maurice J Bresnahan Scholarship

The Acdemy's top merit scholarship is a renewable, 8 semester award in the amount of in-state tuition and fees.  Eligibility criteria can be obtained through the Admissions Office. Invitations for interviews are usually sent to a limited amount of selected admitted students in January with interviews conducted by a committee in February followed by final decisions in early March. 

This award is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average, to be verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student does not maintain at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA, the student is given one semester of probation to regain eligibility.  If, after the semester the cumulative GPA is still below the required minimum of 3.3, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.


Captain Emery E Rice Scholarship

One of the Academy's top merit scholarships is a renewable, multi-recipient, 8 semester award in the amount of in-state tuition and fees.  Eligibility criteria can be obtained through the Admissions Office. Invitations for interviews are usually sent to a limited amount of selected admitted students in January with interviews conducted by a committee in February followed by final decision in early March. 

This award is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average, to be verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student does not maintain at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA, the student is given one semester of probation to regain eligibility.  If, after the semester the cumulative GPA is still below the required minimum of 3.3, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.


Admiral's Scholarship - $7,500 per year

This scholarship is a renewable, multi-recipient, 8 semester award offered to incoming students based on high school GPA .  This 4-year award is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to be verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student does not maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, the student is given one semester of probation to regain eligibility.  If, after the semester the cumulative GPA is still below the required minimum of 3.0, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.

Captain's Scholarship - $4,500 per year

This scholarship is a renewable, multi-recipient, 8 semester award offered to incoming students based on high school GPA. This 4-year award is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to be verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student does not maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, the student is given one semester of probation to regain eligibility.  If, after the semester the cumulative GPA is still below the required minimum of 3.0, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.

Commander's Scholarship - $2,500 per year

This scholarship is a renewable, multi-recipient, 8 semester award offered to incoming students based on high school GPA.  This 4-year award is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to be verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student does not maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, the student is given one semester of probation to regain eligibility.  If, after the semester the cumulative GPA is still below the required minimum of 3.0, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.

Horizon Scholarship - $2500

This scholarship is a renewable, multi-recipient, 8 semester award offered to incoming BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (Black/African-American, LatinX, Asian, American Indian, Pacific, or two or more races) students based on high school GPA.  This 4 year award is renewable provided the student maintains at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average to be verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student does not maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA, the student is given one semester of probation to regain eligibility.  If, after the probationary semester the cumulative GPA is still below the required minimum of 3.0, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.

Maritime Investment Initiative Grant

This 8 semester grant is given to any undergraduate student that is not paying the in-state tuition rate. Students paying the New England Regional tuition rate receive $2000 per semester (fall and spring) and students paying the out of state tuition rate receive $5000 per semester (fall and spring).  As long as the student remains continuously enrolled, there is no other renewal criteria.

John and Abigail Adams Tuition Waiver

Funded by the Academy, this program is awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Education to students:

  • Score in the Advanced category on one of three high school state assessment tests in English Language Arts, Mathematics, or STE (Biology, Chemistry, Introductory Physics or Technology/Engineering)
  • Score in the Proficient or Advanced category on the remaining two high school state assessment tests
  • Have a combined MCAS score on these assessments that ranks in the top 25% in their school district.
  • Must provide the Office of Student Financial Services with a copy of the award letter they received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

In addition, all students must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations.
  • Be enrolled full time (at least 12 credits or its equivalent) in a certificate, associate’s or bachelor’s degree program at an eligible institution.
  • Not have received a prior bachelor’s degree or its equivalent.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Must not be in default with applicable law regarding any federal or state student education loans for attendance at any institution or owe a refund for any previous financial aid received.

Returning students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and remain enrolled on a full time basis to receive in future years.


Scholarships, Grants, and Waivers are considered gift aid, and do not have to be repaid.


Federal Pell grants

Designed to assist students demonstrating exceptional financial need; award amounts are promulgated by the Department of Education and based upon results of the FAFSA. Students enrolled in a 4 year degree program, who take longer than 4 years to achieve their undergraduate degree may receive the Pell Grant for up to the equivalent of 6 years.  During the 2023-2024 year, 18% of enrolled MMA undergraduate students were Pell Grant recipients.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

Designed to assist students demonstrating exceptional financial need. Award amounts vary depending upon school funding, your level of need and when you apply.   Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Grant

Funded by the Massachusetts Maritime Academy for students with demonstrated financial need. This is a renewable grant (although the amount may be different from year to year) provided the student continues to have financial need and maintains at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, checked at the end of each spring semester. If the student loses the grant due to low GPA, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.  Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Fee Grant

Funded by the Massachusetts Maritime Academy for students with demonstrated financial need.  Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.

Massachusetts Cash Grant

Funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for students with demonstrated financial need who are Massachusetts residents. Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.

Mass Grant or Other State Grant/Scholarship Programs

Funded by the student’s state of residency; awarding done by state educational office based upon on-time completion of a FAFSA. Award monies are sent to first school listed on FAFSA unless student notifies agency of transfer to appropriate school. 

Dorm Authority Housing Grant

Funded by the Massachusetts State College Building Authority to benefit students living in residence halls who demonstrate financial need. Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.

ALANA Leadership Scholarship

Funded by MMA, this award was established to enhance the educational opportunities of African-American and Latinx students.  This scholarship is renewable (although the amount may be different from year to year) provided the student continues to have financial need and maintains at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, which is verified at the end of each spring semester.  If the student loses the scholarship due to low GPA, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.  Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Tuition Waiver

Funded by the Massachusetts Maritime Academy for students with demonstrated financial need who are Massachusetts residents.  Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly


Gateway City Scholarship

This scholarship is a renewable, 8 semester (fall and spring) award in an amount up to the value of in-state tuition, room and board.  This scholarship is awarded each year to incoming students from underrepresented populations, defined by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education as students currently residing in Boston or any Gateway City who identify as African American and/or Latinx. This award is renewable provided the student is making satisfactory academic progress, to be verified at the end of each spring semester, and remains in good conduct standing within the Regiment of Cadets.  Once lost, any future receipt of this award is forfeited.

Under M.G.L. c. 23A section 3A, a Gateway City is defined as a municipality with:

  • Population greater than 35,000 and less than 250,000
  • Median household income below the state average
  • Rate of educational attainment of a bachelor’s degree or above that is below the state average.

The following are Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities:

Fall River



New Bedford




Massachusetts Maritime Academy Room and Board Grant

Funded by the Massachusetts Maritime Academy for students with demonstrated financial need who will be living in campus provided housing.  Meeting our financial aid priority deadline is highly encouraged, as these funds tend to run out quickly.


Mass Grant Plus

Funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for students with high demonstrated financial need. This program is intended to help meet the costs of tuition, fees and books for all Pell eligible Massachusetts residents through a combination of grant funding.


Mass Grant Plus Expansion

Funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for students with demonstrated financial need based on a Student Aid Index from the FAFSA of less than 15000. This program is intended to help meet some of the costs of tuition and fees for Massachusetts residents through a combination of grant funding.

Scholarships and Waivers are considered gift aid, and do not have to be repaid.
Massachusetts Higher Education Employee Tuition Waiver

Funded by MMA, this program is available to employees of any MA public higher education institution and/or his/her dependents.  The employee must submit an employee tuition waiver form each semester, obtained through the Human Resources Office of the employee.

Stanley Koplick Certificate of Mastery Tuition Waiver

Funded by MMA, this program is awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Education.  Students must provide a copy of their Certificate of Mastery as well as file the FAFSA each year (www.fafsa.gov).  This 8 semester award is renewable, provided the student maintains at least a 3.3 cumulative grade point average, which is confirmed at the end of each spring semester.  If the student loses the waiver due to low GPA, any future receipt of the award is forfeited.

Veteran tuition and fee waiver

MMA offers a ‘categorical tuition waiver’ as well as a ½ fee waiver to all veterans and active duty service-members who are permanent and legal residents of Massachusetts. This waiver can be used for any undergraduate credit-based course, provided the student is officially enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at MMA. This waiver covers full tuition and ½ fees.

Students must submit a copy of their form DD214 to the Office of Student Financial Services to receive this benefit.

National Guard Tuition and Fee Waiver

Funded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, this tuition and fee waiver program is available to members of the Massachusetts National Guard.  Eligible students should contact their National Guard unit to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility prior to the start of each semester and submit it to the Office of Student Financial Services.  Undergrads should request a certificate for no more than 12 credits per semester to ensure that the benefits lasts as long as possible.  Graduate students should request the actual number of credits they are enrolling in each semester. There is a limit to the total number of credits that the National Guard will pay.

DCF Tuition and Fee Waiver

Funded by MMA (100% of tuition) and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (fees), this program is available to foster children under the care of the MA Department of Children and Families as well as students who have been adopted through DCF.  Students must file a FAFSA every year and provide the Office of Student Financial Services with an eligibility letter from the Boston Office of the Department of Children and Families. The amount of fees that will be waived is dependent upon funding by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and can change each semester.  The amounts that appear on a student's financial aid offer letter are estimated until such time as the actual payment arrives on campus after the start of each semester.

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Tuition Waiver

Funded by MMA, this tuition waiver program is available to clients of Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.  Students must submit letter of eligibility from the Mass. Rehab. Commission to the MMA Office of Student Financial Services.  Mass. Rehab. also provides some fee assistance for some students.  Amounts vary and are estimated until such time as the actual payment arrives on campus after the start of each semester. 

Native American Tuition Waiver

Funded by Massachusetts Maritime Academy, this tuition waiver is available to Native American students.  Students must provide a letter to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Office of Student Financial Services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, certifying their eligibility. Questions regarding eligibility can be directed to the MA Bureau of Indian Affairs at 617-573-1291.


By completing the FAFSA a student is automatically applying for federal student loans. Students must meet all eligibility criteria in order to receive a federal loan. Once the loan has been accepted, if the student is a first time loan borrower at MMA, he/she must complete Loan Entrance Counseling as well as sign a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note, promising to repay the loan.

Student Loan Process Information

Some families also borrow through other loan programs (Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan; Private, state-funded alternative loan; private lender-funded alternative loan)

  • These are credit based loans
  • Require a credit-worthy borrower and/or co-signer
  • Co-signer is equally responsible for repayment
  • Can not be consolidated into a Federal Consolidation Loan with student's other Federal Loan
  • Can be consolidated with federal student loans through a private loan consolidation program
  • You should stay with the same lender each year to reduce number of different loan bills each month


Federal Work Study provides jobs to students who have financial need to help them pay for their out of pocket educational expenses. There are numerous on campus jobs that pay $15.00 per hour.  Community service work study jobs are available off campus, at a pay rate of up to $17 an hour. Students can earn up to their award amount over the academic year.  Most students will work 5 hours per week.  Work study students receive payment through direct deposit and can use this money for any out of pocket expenses that they may have.

Work Study is available throughout the academic year.  If a student is awarded work study, an email is sent to the student in early August with step by step instructions. 

Federal Work Study is the only financial aid award that can not be applied directly to the student's bill at MMA.  Work study is meant to assist the student with any out of pocket expenses that the student may have during the academic year.  As such, the student will submit a timesheet each week for hours actually worked, and will receive payment (via direct deposit to the student's own bank account) every other week.  If a student does not secure a job, or does not actually work, the student does not receive any pay.

Students can find more information on work study within the website portal. 

As a veteran, you may be eligible for both state and federal education benefits. The following information has been provided by the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services:

Benefits and Application Process



Alan David Lyke Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship designed for students who demonstrate academic achievement, financial need, community involvement and resilience in overcoming personal hardships.

American Maritime Partnership 

Offers links to many scholarship opportunities for students studying in maritime related programs

American Society of Naval Engineers

ASNE is offering scholarships up to $4000 for juniors and seniors majoring in Marine Engineering

Blue Water Scholarship

Introducing the next generation to the shipping industry

CMA Education Foundation

The CMA Education Foundation Scholarship Program provides financial support to students who are excelling in maritime studies in college or graduate school and to high school seniors who are interested in pursuing such studies.


provides links to an incredible amount of outside scholarships for all students

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 

Offers scholarships for students in homeland security fields of study

Edith Nourse Rogers Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Scholarship 

For Undergraduate Veterans who have exhausted their Post 9/11 GI Bill® Benefits

Fidelity Scholars Program

For students from certain zip codes in Massachusetts, North Carolina and Texas.

Florida Harbor Pilots Association

For students interested in working as Harbor Pilots.

GoGRAD for women

Funding Graduate School For Women

International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM

Offers scholarships for students studying emergency management, homeland security, disaster management and related fields

International Education Financial Aid.org 

Provides financial aid to students who wish to study in a foreign country

Louise Moritz Moliltoris Leadership Scholarship 

For female students majoring in the transportation field

Merchants Exchange Scholarship Fund 

Supports the educational goals of students seeking careers in Maritime Affairs and/or International Trade

Microsoft Corporation Scholarships   

Encourages students to further their education in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math)

Rising Star Student Scholarship to support future offshore wind leaders

This scholarship will be awarded to graduating high school seniors interested in pursuing a career in the growing offshore wind industry

Soul 2 Seoul Scholarship 

For mixed-race students of African American and Asian ancestry and those students who actively promote racial unity.

StudySoup Global Student Scholarship 

For International Students looking to study in the US 

Tampa Bay Maritime Scholarship Foundation

Links to several scholarships for students from the Hillsborough County Public School System.

Women Offshore

Women Offshore has scholarships available to help cover the cost of training cruises for licensed tracked majors.


A collection of scholarships to browse through



Students can apply for the following scholarships by filling out one on-line application.  There is no need to apply for each individual scholarship.  An email notification is sent to all currently enrolled Undergraduate students when the scholarship application period is open (once in the fall for winter scholarships and once in the spring for the following academic year).

View all Scholarships