Minors + Concentrations

BS in Facilities Engineering



A minor is a program of study of at least 18 credits outside the student’s major that typically begins in the junior year with courses taken between semesters five through eight. With departmental permission, students with a 2.5 or higher cumulative grade point average (CGPA) may declare a minor. To declare a minor prior to the junior year, a student must also have completed either Calculus I or Applied Calculus. Minor classes must be taken at the Academy. With the exception of department electives or free electives, a course cannot fulfill both a minor requirement and a major, general education, or support course requirement. 

The following minors and concentrations are currently offered at Massachusetts Maritime Academy for Facilities Engineering majors.

Coordinator: Professor Mark Whalen

Open to Marine Engineering and Facilities Engineering majors. This minor prepares students for careers ashore and/or for advanced studies in energy management, alternative and renewable energy, and power generation fields in the operation of large, complex facilities.

Required Courses: SM-2218 Statistics or SM-3005 Probability and Statistics, EN-3801 Energy Strategy and Management,  EN-3802 Energy Systems, and 3 courses from the list below:

  • EN-2701 Introduction to Design EN-3102 System Dynamics   and Vibrations 
  • EN-4121 Electrical Power Distribution (ME only) EN-4222 HVAC (ME only)
  • EN-7141 Advanced CAD
  • EN-7142 Diesel Engines (FE only) EN-7144 Nuclear Power
  • EN-7146 Heat and Mass Transfer EN-7151 Commercial Turbines (ME only)
  • EN-7214 Industrial Wastewater Treatment
  • EN-7241 As-built CAD
  • EN-7247 Construction Methods and Materials
  • HU-6073 Technical Writing
  • SS-3264 U.S. Energy Policy: Global and Domestic

Coordinator: Professor Peter Carroll

Open to Marine Engineering and Energy Systems Engineering majors. This minor prepares
students for careers ashore and/or for advanced studies in facilities management and
operation, stationary engineering (power generation), or waste water treatment technology,
as they relate to the operation of large, complex facilities.

EN2222 Commercial Boilers Commercial Boilers
EN3213 Refrigeration Refrigeration (ESE majors)
EN3214 Municipal Wastewater Municipal Wastewater Treatment
EN4222 Heating, Vent. & Air-Cond. HVAC (ME majors)
EN2111 Aux Machinery II Auxiliary Machinery II or EN-2121 Auxiliary
EN2121 Aux. Machinery II -Facilities Machinery II for Facilities (ESE only)
EN4121 Elec. Power Distribution Electrical Power Distribution (ME only)
EN4224 Facilities Planning & Mgmt. Facilities Planning and Management
EN7141 Advanced CAD Advanced CAD
EN7142 Diesel Engines Diesel Engines
EN7144 Nuclear Power Nuclear Power
EN7151 Commercial Turbines Commercial Turbines
EN7214 Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Treatment
EN7241 - Missing course As-built CAD
EN7247 Construction Methods Construction Methods and Materials
HU6073 Technical Writing Technical Writing
IM3131 Principles of Finance Principles of Finance
SM2218 Statistics Statistics (ME only)

Coordinator: Professor George Cadwalader

The minor in Homeland Security is offered to students in all majors. The minor is intended to provide students with a broad understanding of the international and domestic security issues involved in homeland security. Courses provide a focus on various professions and levels of government involved in homeland security and on related topic areas. Emergency Management students are required to complete any six of the courses listed below. Students in other majors are required to complete three of the courses listed below as well as EM-2213 National Security in Emergency Management, EM-4226 Transportation Security, and EM-3214 International Terrorism.

  • EM-3214 International Terrorism
  • EM-4112 Fire Dynamics
  • EM-7220 Cyber Security
  • EM-7221 Military Operations   and Security
  • EM-7222 Legal Issues in Homeland and National Security
  • EM-7223 Select Issues in Law Enforcement
  • EM-7224 Transnational Crime 
  • EM-7226  Fundamentals of Leadership
  • EM-7230  EM Budgets & Grants
  • EM-7229  Search & Rescue Policy & Practice
  • SS-2232 World Economic Geography
  • SS-2233 Political Geography
  • SS-4317 Intelligence and National Security Policy

Coordinator: Professor Bani Ghosh

Open to all majors except International Maritime Business. For the seagoing majors who plan to start a shore-based career, for those interested in a graduate degree in business or law, or for those inclined towards entrepreneurial ventures, the IMB minor provides a basic business background with specialization in the shipping industry.

Required Courses:

  • IM-2121 Principles of Accounting I
  • IM-2211 The Business of Shipping

Student must also take four courses from the following: 

  • IM-XXXX Any course with an IM designation as long as prerequisites are met
  • MT-3252 Port and Terminal Operations Management
  • SM-2117 Quantitative Methods for Management 

Coordinator: Professor Kristin Osborne

Open to all majors. To earn a minor in Marine Biology, students must complete six of the seven courses listed below: 

  • MS-4305 Principles of Aquaculture
  • MS-4321 Biology of Fishes 
  • MS-4322 Marine Botany
  • MS-4329 Marine Mammals 
  • MS-4333 Marine Invertebrate Zoology
  • MS-4334 Tropical Marine Ecology 
  • MS-4342 Marine Microbiology

Coordinator: Peter Carroll

Open to all engineering majors. This minor prepares students for careers or advanced studies in the fields of marine construction or construction project management as these fields relate to large and complex construction projects in the shore-side or marine environment.

Required Courses: EN-7247 Construction Methods & Management, EN-7257 Marine Construction I, EN-7262 Marine Construction II, and a selection of courses totaling 9 credits from the following list:

  • EN-3102 System Dynamics and Vibrations (ME & FE only)
  • EN-4121 Electrical Power Distribution (ME only)
  • EN-4253 Construction Industry Cooperative 
  • EN-7141 Advanced CAD
  • EN-7142 Diesel Engines (FE & ESE only)
  • EN-7151 Commercial Turbines (ME & ESE only)
  • EN-7241 As-built CAD
  • HU-6073 Technical Writing
  • MS-2244  Introduction to GIS
  • MS-311 Physical Geology

Coordinator: Heather Burton

Open to all majors except Marine Science, Safety and Environmental Protection. Students must complete each of the following six courses:

  • MS-1111 Fundamentals of Occupational Health & Safety
  • MS-1211 Current Environmental Problems 
  • MS-3142 Environmental Law
  • MS-4263 Oil Spill Management
  • MS-4271 Advanced Principles   of Occupational Health & Safety 
  • MS-4341 Ecological Sustainability

 Coordinator: Professor Heather Burton.

To earn a minor in Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS), students must complete six (6) specified courses below.

  • MS-1111 Fundamentals of Occupational Health and Safety (for all majors except MSSEP)
  • MS-4271 Advanced Principles of Occupational Health and Safety
  • MS-4272 Environmental Health and Safety Audit
  • EM-2111 Infectious Agents  (for all majors except EM)
  • EM-3213 Public Health Issues in Emergency Management (for all majors except EM)
  • MS-4273 Construction Site Safety
  • EM-7227 Strategies in Waste Management
  • MS-4343 Critical Elements of Safety Management Systems


With departmental permission, students with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 may enroll in a concentration of study. A concentration is a program of study with at least 12 credits within the student’s major field but not prescribed in the major program. These courses are typically taken during semesters five through eight. Concentration courses must be taken at the Academy. With the exception of department electives or free electives, a course cannot fulfill both a concentration requirement and a major, general education, or support course requirement. 

The following concentrations are currently offered at Massachusetts Maritime Academy for Facilities Engineering majors. 

Coordinator: Professor George Cadwalader

Open to all majors. This concentration gives Emergency Management students the opportunity to use their four free electives for specialized study of homeland security.

Required Courses:

  • EM-3214 International Terrorism
  • EM-7220 Cyber Security 

And two of the following electives:

  • EM-4112 Fire Dynamics
  • EM-7221 Military Operations and Security 
  • EM-7222 Legal Issues in Homeland and National Security
  • EM-7223 Select Issues in Law Enforcement 
  • EM-7224 Transnational Crime
  • EM-7226  Fundamentals of Leadership
  • EM-7230  EM Budgets & Grants
  • EM-7229  Search & Rescue Policy & Practice
  • SS-2232 World Economic Geography 
  • SS-2233 Political Geography
  • SS-4317 Intelligence and National Security Policy

Coordinator: Professor Kristin Osborne

Open to all majors. To earn a concentration in Marine Biology, students must complete four (4) of the seven courses listed below: 

  • MS-4305 Principles of Aquaculture
  • MS-4321 Biology of Fishes 
  • MS-4322 Marine Botany
  • MS-4329 Marine Mammals
  • MS-4333 Marine Invertebrate Zoology
  • MS-4334 Tropical Marine Ecology 
  • MS-4342 Marine Microbiology

 Coordinator: Professor Heather Burton

To earn a concentration in Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS), students must complete any four (4) specified courses below.

  • MS-1111 Fundamentals of Occupational Health and Safety (for all majors except MSSEP)
  • MS-4271 Advanced Principles of Occupational Health and Safety
  • MS-4272 Environmental Health and Safety Audit
  • EM-2111 Infectious Agents  (for all majors except EM)
  • EM-3213 Public Health Issues in Emergency Management (for all majors except EM)
  • MS-4273 Construction Site Safety
  • EM-7227 Strategies in Waste Management
  • MS-4343 Critical Elements of Safety Management Systems

Coordinator: Paul Szwed

Open to all majors, this concentration prepares students for careers in project management
with wide ranging opportunities in fields such as aerospace, business, construction, energy,
engineering, financial services, government, healthcare, information services,
pharmaceuticals, and transportation.

• IM4265 Project Mgmt Fundamentals Project Management Fundamentals
• IM4275 Advanced Project Management Advanced Project Management
• HU6072 Business Communication Business Communications (non-IMB)
• SM2117 Quantitative Meth. for Mgmt. Quantitative Methods for Managers (non-IMB)
• IM4263 Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
• IM4268 Leadership Leadership
• IM1211 Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior (non-IMB)
• IM2123 Financial Accounting Financial Accounting (non-IMB)
• IM2231 Business Decision and Strategy Business Decision and Strategy (non-IMB)
• IM4251 E-Business Concepts E-Business Concepts
• IM4270 Sales Engineering Sales Engineering and Management
• IM3352 IM Independent Study IM Independent Study (requires approval of the
Concentration Coordinator, IMB Chair, and Dean)

Coordinator: Heather Burton

Open to Marine Science, Safety and Environmental Protection and Emergency Management
majors. This provides students with electives that will enhance their opportunities for being
an Environmental, Health and Safety Officer aboard cruise and merchant vessels. Students
will be required to participate in the Sea Term, generally in their 3rd year. The curriculum
will highlight specific environmental topics for which such an officer would be responsible,
with particular emphasis on Marine Pollution (MARPOL) Annexes and other regulations.


  • MT1111 Vessel Fam/Basic Safety Trng. Vessel Familiarization and Basic Safety Training
  • EN3214 Municipal Wastewater Municipal Wastewater Treatment
  • MS1313 Shipboard Environmental Ops. Shipboard Environmental Operations (6 weeks/full
  • sea term required)
  • MS4232 MARPOL Introduction to MARPOL