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Flag Football Intramurals
Fall Semester 2023
9/26, Tuesday
- 1600: 3rd vs 5th
- 1700: 4th vs 1st
9/28, Thursday:
- 1600: 1st vs 7th
- 1700: 2nd vs 6th
10/2, Monday
- 1600: 5th vs 2nd
- 1700: 6th vs 3rd
- 1600: 7th vs 4th
- 1700: 1st vs 5th
10/10, Tuesday
- 1600: 2nd vs 3rd
- 1700: 6th vs 7th
10/12, Thursday
- 1600: 4th vs 2nd
- 1700: 7th vs 3rd
10/17, Tuesday
- 1600: 1st vs 6th
- 1700: 4th vs 5th
10/24, Tuesday
- 1600: 1st seed vs 4th seed
- 1700: 2nd seed vs 3rd seed
10/26, Thursday
- 1600: FINALS!!!
Intramural Referees: Zack Bohnet, Sean Donahue, and Nolan Kennedy
It provides all our cadets an opportunity to come together to represent their company team and compete against other companies while having a ton of fun. The building of camaraderie and esprit de corps that one sees within the company's leadership group and the cadet candidates is second to none. Being able to play alongside a Squad Leader or your Cadet Officers is a new experience and one that everyone really enjoys.
Compete with Your Company
It's exciting to compete for the Commandant's Cup, which is the grand prize for the company who earns the most points throughout the program's events during the Academic Year.
It affords our cadets an opportunity to strike a healthy balance between Academics, their regimental responsibilities and exercising. Having to start the day bright and early with cleaning stations, breakfast, room inspections, and morning formation before classes start takes getting used to. Many cadets within the Regiment were active athletes for their High Schools and played multiple sports, however have opted not to play on any of Massachusetts Maritime Academy's varsity teams. These young men and women can get out and put their skills to work.
Different Games
Other common games played are dodgeball, flag football, water polo, softball, frisbee, indoor soccer, and basketball among others.