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Kurz Hall, 1st Floor
101 Academy Drive
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Career Services
101 Academy Dr.
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
For Employers
Hire a student or graduate
We maintain strong relationships with employers through outreach, cooperative education, and annual career fairs. The Office of Career and Professional Services partners with many local and regional businesses, as well as professional associations.
Cooperative Education Program
A partnership between the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, employer, and student. Massachusetts Maritime Academy prepares students for the working world; students apply what they learn in the classroom and labs in the workplace; employers have access to a wealth of talent who are eager and motivated to work in a variety of different ways. Students return from their experience with knowledge and experience that can be shared in the classroom.
Post to our Job Shopper
Post a full-time or part-time job to the online job board, JobShopper. Hiring a Buccaneer will help set your organization up for success, while increasing brand awareness from one of the most visited pages on the Massachusetts Maritime Academy website. If you need additional information please contact us:
Career Fair
Each October and April, the Academy hosts a Career Fair on campus. With an average of 125 employers, it is an excellent opportunity for businesses to showcase their companies and inform our students about future opportunities. To learn more about this event, visit our Career Fair page.