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Kurz Hall, 1st Floor
101 Academy Drive
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Career Services
101 Academy Dr.
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
Career Fair
Discover the Possibilities
Each fall and spring, the Academy hosts a Career Fair on campus. With an average of 125 organizations in attendance, it is an excellent opportunity for students to discover career paths and opportunities, to learn about employers that hire our students and graduates, and to become educated about the many different industries in which our alumni work. We encourage all students of all years to participate. We thank employers for their ongoing support and partnerships of our students.
The event is an excellent opportunity that allows employers an avenue to learn about our academic programs and to discover the skills and talents of our student body. Employers often stay a second day to interview students for co-op, commercial shipping and full-time openings. The career fair is a perfect forum for employers and students to connect!
Spring 2025 Career Fair:
April 2 & 3, 2025
- Cost to Attend:
- Registration: $400
- Government Agencies | Non-profit Organizations | United States Armed Forces: Fee is waived
- Lunch and Employer Reception
- All spaces include a 6’ table, a tablecloth, and 2 chair (no electricity available)
- 4 Representatives
If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact Career Services at
Employer Registration
Register Here
Existing Employers
- Enter your current username and password
- If you forgot your account information, enter your email address and click Find My Account to reset your account information
New Employers and First Time Users:
- Click on Create Account
- Enter a unique email, username and password
- Follow the prompts to create company and recruiter profiles
- From the Dashboard request to come on campus for events.
Please contact Aislinn Gettings,, 508-830-6410 if you have any questions.
Spring 2025 Career Fair Sponsorship Opportunities
Spring 2025 Career Fair Sponsorship Opportunities
Career fair sponsorship opportunities enhance visibility and connect with students.
All sponsorships include career fair registration for both days ($800 value)* and an ad in the upcoming Massachusetts Maritime Academy magazine ($1,500-$2,500 value).
Gold - WIN Waste
Maximize your impact and visibility with this all-inclusive sponsorship package. Your sponsorship begins with a spotlight on your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The Gold Sponsor underwrites the Career Fair’s main activities on the MMA campus. Included with your sponsorship:
Your organization’s name and logo will be prominently displayed at the entrance to the Spring 2025 Career Fair and at the ice cream truck outside.
Showcase your commitment to DEI while accessing top talent at MMA.
Full page ad in magazine.
Navy - Clean Harbors
This sponsorship includes a food truck during both lunches on the days of the Career Fair. Included with your sponsorship:
Your organization's logo and name will be displayed at the food truck and at the Career Fair.
Full page ad in magazine.
Blue - Engie
This sponsorship includes a coffee truck both mornings of the Career Fair. Included with your sponsorship:
Your organization's logo and name will be displayed at the coffee truck and at the Career Fair.
Full page ad in magazine.
Atlantic $4,000 (Tax Deductible – $3,600.)
This sponsorship includes professional headshots at the Career Fair for students. Included with your sponsorship:
Your organization's logo and name will be displayed at the location where the headshots will be taken.
Full page ad in magazine.
Ship Gray - Grand River Navigation - Hart Engineering - The Interlake Steamship Company - UG2
These sponsorships are designed to provide maximum exposure for your company.
(*Ship Gray sponsorship includes registration for one day only.) Included with your sponsorship:
Recognition will be in the form of additional advertisements on campus.
Half page ad in MMA magazine.
To sponsor one of the above, please contact Aislinn Gettings,, 508-830-6410.
Thank you!
Spring 2025 Schedule
Spring 2025 Career Fair
April 2 & 3, 2025
**Subject to change**
Spring 2025 Career Fair Participants
Career Fair Participants
- ACS Industries, Inc.
- Albireo Energy
- American Maritime Officers Union
- American Offshore Services
- American Roll-on Roll-off Carrier
- American Steamship Company
- Archaea Energy, a bp company
- Army ROTC
- Atlas Professionals
- Automated Logic Corporation
- Bard, Rao & Athanas Consulting Engineers
- Barnstable County Department of Health & Environment
- Barnstable County Water Utilities Association
- Barnstable Police Dept.
- Barton & Gray Mariners Club
- BCM Controls Corporation
- Boston Medical Center
- Brewster Ambulance
- Buckley Associates
- C&W Services
- Calpine
- Cape Cod Healthcare
- Captain John Boats
Clean Harbors - Navy Sponsor
- Code Red Consultants
- Cox Engineering Company
- Crowley Maritime Corporation
- D.C. Beane and Associates Construction Company
- Dann Marine Towing, LC
- Dellbrook | JKS
- Disney Cruise Line
- Dominion Energy
- Dukes County Sheriff's Office
- Energy Management and Control Services, Inc.
Engie - Blue Sponsor
- Environmental Health and Engineering
- Expeditors International of Washington, Inc.
- Fairbanks Morse Defense
- Falmouth Marine and Yachting Center
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Feeney Brothers Excavation
- Fidelity Investments
- Fieldcore Service Solutions
- FM Global
- G & H Towing Company
- GE Aerospace
- GE Vernova
- GEA Westfalia Separator, Inc.
- General Dynamics Electric Boat
- Genesis Energy
Grand River Navigation Company - Gray Sponsor
- Granite Shore Power
- Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company
- Greensea IQ
- Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Hart Engineering Corporation - Gray Sponsor
- Harvard University
- Helen H Offshore
- Hornblower - Boston Harbor City Cruises
- Hornblower Ferries Transportation and Concessions
- Hy-Line Cruises
- Inchcape Shipping Services
Interlake Maritime Services - Gray Sponsor
- International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots
- J.C. Cannistraro
- Jay Cashman, Inc.
- Johnson Controls
- Kelvin Group
- Kirby Inland Marine
- Laborde Marine
- Laconia Police Department
- Lincoln Property Company
- Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association
- Marriott International
- Martin & Ottaway
- Mashpee Department of Natural Resources
- Mass Tank Inspection Services
- Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Massachusetts Life Sciences Center
- Massachusetts Maritime Academy/Graduate Programs
- Massachusetts State Police
- Massachusetts Trial Court
- Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
- McAllister Towing & Transportation
- Mercy Ships
- Military Sealift Command
- Mitsubishi Power Americas
- Mohawk Northeast, Inc
- Moran Towing Corporation
- Munters Corporation
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
- National Grid
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport
- New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance
- New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management
- NextEra Energy, Inc.
- NH Fish and Game, Law Enforcement Division
- Norfolk Sheriff's Office
- Norton Lilly International, Inc.
- NRG Services, LLC
- NUCOR Corporation
- Ocean Shipholdings, Inc.
- Otto Candies, LLC
- Philadelphia District USACE
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
- Reiser
- Resource Options, Inc.
- Reworld
- Rhode Island Energy
Sause Bros - Gray Sponsor
- Save the Bay
- Seaward Services, Inc.
- SENEDIA – The Alliance for Defense Tech, Talent, and Innovation
- SMART Sheet Metal Workers Union
- Southcoast Health Systems
- Stasinos Marine
- State Electric Corporation
- Steamship Authority
- TG Gallagher
- The Vane Brothers Company
- Town of Hanover
- Town of Plymouth
- Transocean
- Transportation Security Administration
- Trident Seafoods Corporation
- Triumvirate Environmental
- Twin Rivers Technologies
UG2 - Gray Sponsor
- United States Customs and Border Protection
- United States Drug Enforcement Administration
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Navy
- United States Secret Service
- US Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service
- Valaris PLC
- Vicinity Energy
- Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
- Waterson Terminal Services, LLC.
- Weeks Marine
- Weston & Sampson Engineers
- Wilmington Tug
WIN Waste Innovations - Gold Sponsor
- Woodard & Curran
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Young Brothers Hawaii
For a list of Accommodations within 30-minutes from campus, please click here:
Contact hotels directly to find out about rates and discounts for Maritime friends & family.
Fall 2024 Career Fair Participants
- ABM Industries
- Accelleron
- AEI Affiliated Engineers
- American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
- American Cruise Lines
- American Energy Management
- American Maritime Officers Union (AMO)
- American Offshore Services
- American Red Cross
- AmGen Corporation
- Army ROTC
- Automated Logic Corporation
- Barnstable Police Dept.
- BCM Controls Corporation
- Bond Brothers
- Boston Green Company
- Boston Medical Center
- Boston Scientific Corporation
- Bourne, Town of
- Bridgeport & Port Jefferson
- Buckley Associates
- C&W Services
- Calpine
- Campbell Transportation Company
- Canaveral Port Authority
- Cape Cod Healthcare
- Carver Companies
- Casco Bay Lines
- CBRE Group
- Chelsea Housing Authority
- Chevron Shipping Company
Clean Harbors - Blue Sponsor
- Columbia Construction Company
- Covanta Corporation
- Cox Engineering Company
- Crowley Maritime Corporation
- Curtin Maritime
- Dann Marine Towing
- Dellbrook | JKS
- Delphi Construction
- DEME Offshore US
- Disney Cruise Line
DNV - Ship Gray Sponsor
- Dominion Energy
- Eastham Police Department
- Edison Chouest
- Enel North America
Engie - Navy Sponsor
- Eversource
- Fairwater
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Fidelity Investments
- Fieldcore Service Solutions
- FM Global
- Foss Maritime Company
- G & H Towing Company
- GE Aerospace
- GE Vernova Power Conversion
- General Dynamics Electric Boat
- Genesis Energy
- Governors America Corp.
Grand River Navigation Company - Ship Gray Sponsor
- Granite Shore Power
- Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company
- Hanover, Town of
- Harold Brothers Mechanical Inc.
- Harry Grodsky & Co.
Hart Engineering Corporation - Ship Gray Sponsor
- Hornbeck Offshore Services
- Hornblower - Boston Harbor City Cruises
- Hornblower - City Experience - NYC Ferry
- Hyannis Fire Department
- Interlake Maritime Services
- International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots
- ISO New England
- J.C. Cannistraro
- J.C. Higgins Corp.
- Jay Cashman
- JERA Americas
- Johnson Controls
- Key Lakes, Inc/Great Lakes Fleet
- Keystone Shipping
- Kirby Marine
- L.C. Anderson Inc.
- Laborde Marine
- Leidos Engineering
- Liberty Maritime Corp.
- LifeTime Athletic
- Lincoln Property Company (LPC)
- Maersk Line
- Manafort Brothers Incorporated
- Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association (MEBA) (AFL-CIO)
- Marriott International
- Massachusetts Air National Guard
- Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
- Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation (massdot)
- Massachusetts Environmental Police
- Massachusetts Maritime Academy Alumni Association
- Massachusetts Maritime Academy/Graduate Programs
- Massachusetts Port Authority
- Massachusetts State Police
- Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
- McAllister Towing & Transportation
- Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis, Ltd. (MD&A)
- Middlesex Sheriff's Office
- Military Sealift Command (MSC)
- MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Mitsubishi Power Americas
- Mohawk Northeast, Inc
- Moran Towing Corporation
- Nan Fung Life Sciences Real Estate
- Nantucket, Town of
- National Grid
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport
- New Bedford Police Department
- New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance (NECWA)
- New Hampshire Department of Corrections
- New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management
- New Hampshire State Police
- New Hampshire State Police - Marine Patrol
- NextEra Energy
- North American Marine Environment Protection Association (NAMEPA)
- Northstar Refrigeration
- Norwood Police Department
- NRG Services
- NUCOR Corporation
- O’Hara Corporation
- Ocean Shipholdings (OSI)
- OSG Ship Management
- Palo Verde Generating Station
- Plumbers' Supply Company
- Portland District USACE
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
- PSEG Nuclear
- Qualus
- RED-Rochester
- Reiser
- Resolve Marine Group
- Rhode Island Energy
Sause Bros - Ship Gray Sponsor
- Savage Marine
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Seaward Services
- SENEDIA – The Alliance for Defense Tech, Talent, and Innovation
- Shawmut Design & Construction
- Siemens Corporation
- Sigma C Power Services
- Signet Maritime Corporation
- Skanska USA Civil
- Smith Marine
- Stasinos Marine
- Steamship Authority
- STO Building Group
- Suffolk Construction
- TCA Controls
- TG Gallagher
- The Kraft Group
- The Nautical Institute U.S. North East Coast Branch
- The Reinauer Group
- The Vane Brothers Company
- TOTE Services
- Trane
- Transocean
- Trident Seafoods Corporation
- Triumvirate Environmental
- Twin Rivers Technologies
- U.S. Marine Management
UG2 - Ship Gray Sponsor
- UMass Medical School
- Uncruise Adventures
- United Alliance Services
- United Civil
- United States Army
- United States Coast Guard (USCG)
- United States Customs and Border Protection
- United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Office of Investigations
- United States Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
- United States Department of State
- United States Drug Enforcement Administration
- United States Marine Corps
- United States Navy
- United States Secret Service
- University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS)
- Valaris PLC
- van Zelm Heywood & Shadford
- VanEnkevort Tug & Barge
- Veolia North America
- Vicinity Energy
Virgin Voyages - Atlantic Sponsor
- Vistra Corp
- Washington State Department of Transportation - Washington State Ferries
- Weeks Marine
- Weston & Sampson Engineers
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation
- Wilmington Tug
WIN Waste Innovations - Gold Sponsor
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)