Little Buc's Adventures: The TS Kennedy Is In Fort Lauderdale

Little Buc

Ahoy, Followers –

Hello, Fort Lauderdale!  The TS Kennedy is back in the continental United States!  What a beautiful sight it was as we slowly made our way to Berth #22 in Port Everglades.  We could hear cheering as we approached the dock.  Several parents were waiting for us, as were members of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s Parent Association.  They were SO excited to see the ship! 

coming into fort lauderdale
Berth 22
ship coming into port

With a little help, I managed to get this photo of Captain Campbell

Captain on deck

Ahead is Royal Caribbean’s Voyage Of The Seas.  Wow!  At 1,111.9 feet, this mega-liner is more than TWICE the size of the TS Kennedy!  Can you believe that?  Check out the rest of her statistics!

liberty of the seas

The cadets and I were admiring the water slide.  One of the cadets asked a crew member if that is what the deck of  Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s new training ship will be like.  Can you guess his answer?   "No!"

Check out the video below!

water slide on deck

A lot of cadets have been asking me which team I will be rooting for in Sunday’s Super Bowl.  When you’re a GREEN pirate, you have to cheer on the Philadelphia Eagles.  Their team colors are midnight green and silver. 

Don’t miss the halftime show!  Do you remember that a Rihanna song was featured on the Follow The Voyage-Share The Experience Program website when the TS Kennedy was docked in BarbadosRihanna, a native of Barbados, will be the featured performer on Sunday night.  Several of our cadets visited Rihanna Drive when they explored the TS Kennedy's first port.

riahanna drive marker in Barbados

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! The fun and learning continue next week during our final week of Sea Term.  Don’t miss it!

You favorite Florida pirate,

Little Buc