Captain's Log: January 16, 2023 - Part 1

Ships Wheel

Good Morning, Followers -

I was very impressed with the way that our 1/C cadets planned and carried out their anchor drills over the weekend.  They approached the challenge with confidence, applying all of the skills that they gained during their two previous Sea Terms, their time on a commercial ship, and in their classes back at the Academy.  They worked as a team to get the job done.  I hope that those watching took videos and photographs to share with you.

Yesterday, was to be our annual Sunday At Sea, a daylong cookout on the Helo Deck put on by the talented Chartwells team.  Unfortunately, it had to be postponed due to rain.  We are all hoping that the weather will cooperate today.  

On Friday, Mrs. Franks send me letters from Mrs. Clayton's first grade class from Salisbury Elementary School in Salisbury, Massachusetts.  Mrs. Clayton is the mother of 4/C Liam Clayton, a Marine Transportation major.  The family lives in York, Maine.

Mrs. Franks created a document so that I am able to quickly type in answers to their questions below each letter.  I won't be able to do this with every list of questions that I receive, but I thought that this was a nice way to begin the week. 

letter from student with illustration of ship

Bailey, the TS Kennedy is 540 feet long.  I am not sure how long your school is, but I am guessing that our ship may be longer.  You will have to measure your school to see how they compare.  Liam and his fellow 4/C cadets are adjusting well to life at sea.  Our 1/C rates, crew members, and instructors have all told me that the 4/C cadets are working hard and asking great questions.  

letter from student with illustration of ship

Evelyn, the ship was made from steel in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Workers began building it in 1964 and finished in 1967.  I am not sure of the exact number of bunk beds.  I am glad that you like our ship.  

letter from student with illustration of ship

Nathan, I became the Captain of the TS Kennedy in August 2016.  That was a little over six years ago.  I am glad that you like our training ship.

letter from student with illustration of ship

Lilah, there are no animals aboard the TS Kennedy, but there is plenty of ice-cream.  Chartwells Director Bob Cobb told we that he brought 980 gallons of ice-cream for Sea Term 2023.  A large portion of that was eaten during our Sunday At Sea celebration.  Cadets were able to make their own ice-cream sundaes.  

I am an animal lover.  Although I do not have any pets on the ship, my family and I have many pets at our home.


letter from student with illustration of ship

Our ship is 540 feet long.  That is about the same length as 15 school buses parked end-to-end.  I am glad that you like our ship.

letter from student with illustration of ship

Taylor, our ship's engine is powered by steam.  I think that the books that you like are the books that you've seen on Little Buc's Buccaneer Book Club.  I have heard that they are great books, but I haven't read them yet. 

Those are the first six.  I am going to stop here and work on more of the chart later.  Thank you to all of the students for their great questions and colorful illustrations.

Captain Michael J. Campbell
Master, TS Kennedy