Captain's Log: February 9, 2023

Ships Wheel

Good morning, Followers –

Today is a very special day.  Two members of the Campbell family are celebrating birthdays,  My son Christian is turning ten.  My daughter Leia is turning 14.  Although I will miss the festivities tonight, we will have another celebration when I return home in less than two weeks.

This photo was taken in 2018 when the entire family visited Disney World.  It was a special vacation.  Of course, Christian and Leia have grown quite a bit over the past five years, as has their older sister Kyrie. 

family at disney world

I received an email from a class asking,

What is the meaning of the phrase, “fair winds and following seas”?

Many people use this phrase to wish a mariner good weather and safe travels as he or she departs on a voyage.  Each year, the phrase is written on many of the signs held by family members and friends standing on the dock as our training ship departs.

When the TS Kennedy has a following sea, it means that the ocean waves are moving in the same direction that the ship is heading.  The opposite of a following sea is a head sea, meaning that the waves are moving towards the ship.  In this case, the waves hit the bow first. 

Throughout Sea Term 2023, cadets and crew members have been admiring these colorful drawing of the TS Kennedy created by students at Central Elementary School in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts.  Thank you to the talented artists!  Your artwork has brightened our voyage. 

Captain Michael J. Campbell
Master, TS Kennedy

colorful drawings of the ship
colorful drawings of the ship
colorful drawings of the ship
colorful drawings of the ship
colorful drawings of the ship