Cadet Blog: 2/C Gabriella Struss (IMB - North Attleboro, MA) 1-24-23


Hello, everyone -
It's been awhile since I have sent a post and a lot has happened! It is a Monday morning which means school for everyone; me included. Just because I am on a ship does not mean I get to get out of classroom time! I do not mind though because we have class aboard the great TS Kennedy where the whole ship becomes the classroom, besides the holds.

Sorry side tracked! I am sitting in our makeshift classroom which is in the library right now. We are currently learning about the difference between Flag of Convenience and the National Flag.

professor in front of white board
This is Captain Pandey, teaching a course to the students majoring in International Maritime Business.

Are you wondering what is meant by a flag of convenience?

A flag of convenience ship is 
one that flies the flag of a country other than the country of ownership. Ships registered under flags of convenience can often reduce operating costs or avoid the regulations of the owner's country.  Many ship owners register their vessels in Panama, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

When you are curious ask questions! I have learned so much inside and outside the classroom on the TS Kennedy call sign KVMU. Due to the Kennedy being a training ship every class on board must take an assessment to prove they have learned the necessary requirements and get their class credits in both Marine Transportation and Marine Engineers. 

I was relaxing on the bow of the ship during my off period when one of the engineering professors; Chief, asked me if I am engineering cadet. I said no but we got into a conversation about how if I was he would have taken me to complete an assessment. Instead of just going about my day we ended up talking and I asked if he could walk me through the assessment I would have to take as an engineer cadet. He took me down and I learned about the steering gear! 

female cadets with a cylinder which is part of steering gear
female cadets with a cylinder which is part of steering gear
female cadets with a cylinder which is part of steering gear
female cadets with a cylinder which is part of steering gear

You could not take the smile off my face for the rest of the day.  My Deckie (Marine Transportation) friends got upset for hearing me geeking out because obviously to them the deck side is so much better! 

I learned because I took the initiative during my time off to ask questions!  People on the ship are a wealth of knowledge and they want to talk about it, so do not be scared to raise your hands and ask questions! Same goes for your classes.  If something interests you please dive in head first and get as much information as possible! 
Until next time!
Hold fast,

Thanks for your great blog, Gabi!  We can feel your enthusiasm.   

It is awesome that you chose to take advantage of learning something new, rather than just enjoying your time off.  I tried to find out more information about the piece of the steering gear that your holding, but I could not.  It appears to say "Titling Box".

You are an inspiration to all of our student followers.  Keep soaking up every learning opportunity.