Below Deck: 3/C Cadets Take Apart A Centrifugal Pump In The Engine Lab


Do you enjoy taking apart things to see how they work?  That's just what 3/C cadets majoring in Marine Engineering are doing in the TS Kennedy's Engine Lab.

1/C Training Rates, John  Hall (MENG/ESE - Davie, FL) and Collin Tracey (MENG - Avon, MA) sent you this video clip showing the centrifugal pump that 3/C cadets are dismantling and reassembling.

two cadets stand by pump on table

Click on the link:

Would you like to learn more about a centrifugal pump?  Check out this video!

This short video is ideal for students of all ages.

Students in middle school and high school may want to expand their learning with this longer, more detailed, video.