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Applying for Financial Aid
Eligibility Guidelines
To be eligible for any federal or state financial aid, as well as most institutional aid, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
- Have a valid Social Security Number
- Not be in default on any prior educational loans and not owe a refund on an overpayment of any federal grant
- Have a high school diploma or GED
- Have received an official, written offer of admission into a degree granting program by the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Admissions Office
- Re-apply for aid each year by filing a FAFSA
- Returning students must be meeting the standards of the Maritime Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Incoming Undergraduate Students: Priority Deadline: March 1st
Returning Undergraduate Students: Priority Deadline: April 1st
Graduate Students: at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the program
Apply For Aid
Financial aid must be applied for each year. The closer a student completes their file to the bill due date, the less likely they will have aid in time to use toward their billed expenses.
Be sure to include Massachusetts Maritime Academy's federal school code # 002181 so the results will be sent to us.