Facts and Figures

Performance Measurement Reporting System (PMRS)

According to the DHE, the PMRS "provides a comprehensive examination of the performance of each of Massachusetts’ community colleges and state universities on a set of key indicators focused on Access & Affordability, Student Success & Completion, Workforce Alignment and Fiscal Stewardship."

PMRS Data Report for Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Common Data Sets (CDS)

The Common Data Set is a set of standard data items that form the basis of reports to external survey organizations, including the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report.

Key Data Elements & Indicators Reports

Massachusetts Maritime Academy's Key Data Elements & Indicators Report is an annual report that was initiated in the 2015-2016 academic year. It includes a snapshot overview as well as detailed data pertaining to admissions, enrollment, and degrees. The report also includes information on educational effectiveness indicators, including retention and graduation rates as well as other measures of student achievement and success.

Student Consumer Information

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) of 2008, requires that institutions that participate in Title IV student financial aid programs disclose disaggregated graduation rates by gender, race/ethnicity, and receipt of federal aid. Additional disclosure information is available in Massachusetts Maritime Academy's Key Data Elements & Indicators Report (see above) and through Massachusetts Maritime Academy's Student Consumer Information web page.

Disaggregated Graduation Rates