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Regimental Manual

Discipline, Knowledge, Leadership

Promulgated: December 8, 2023



    1. General

      1. The organization of Massachusetts Maritime Academy’s Regiment of Cadets consists of the necessary command and staff officers to administer the Regiment, two battalions, and seven companies, including Honor Guard and Band. The First Battalion shall be composed of companies 1, 3, 5, and 7. The second Battalion shall be composed of companies 2, 4, and 6. Each company shall be composed of a command element and four platoons. The administration of the Regiment of Cadets follows traditional lines. The First-Class cadets are charged with these duties and are granted the privileges normally associated with seniority. In the performance of these duties, the Cadet Officers exercise authority and assume responsibilities as they relate to command, maintenance of discipline, and the routine of military drills.

        1. To carry out these duties as well as indoctrination and training in the exercise of responsibility within the Regiment, the Commandant shall appoint Cadet Officers.

        2. Cadet Officers will be responsible for the following:

          1. The planning and implementation of cadet training and inspection

          2. The development of underclass Cadet Officers by the assignment of responsibility

          3. Inspection of personnel, living spaces, and cleaning stations in their areas.

    2. Selection and Appointment of Cadet Officers

      1. The selection of Cadet Officers for appointment within the Regimental organization will be made according to the following criteria:

        1. The Cadet Officer candidate’s performance record within the Regiment of Cadets

        2. The Cadet Officer candidate’s academic performance record.

        3. The Cadet Officer candidate’s extra-curricular performance record to include: athletics, band / honor guard, intramurals, and community service.

        4. The Cadet Officer must be in good academic standing and timely progress toward graduation.

        5. The Cadet Officer candidate must be registered as a dorm student (not a regimental commuter).

        6. The Cadet Officer must complete all leadership training and development as required by the Cadet Training Standard Operating Procedure.

        7. Selection for Regimental or Company Leadership positions will not solely rest on whether a cadet will be available for Freshman Orientation or not. On the contrary, a cadet who in good faith is unable to attend Orientation due to military commitments, commercial shipping, cooperative, internship, etc. will not be automatically excluded from these positions. The overriding criteria should be whether or not the cadet in question is the best possible cadet for the position. If a cadet is deemed to be the most qualified candidate for a leadership position but is unable to attend Orientation due to a previous commitment, their selection for a Regimental or Company Leadership position will not be denied.

        8. The President of the Academy reserves all rights to confirm or deny all candidates selected for Cadet Officer positions.

      2. The following sources are used to evaluate Cadet Officer Candidates in the above areas including but not limited to:

        1. Interviews

        2. Written evaluation

        3. Written recommendations

        4. Academic records

        5. Awards and honors received and/or achieved

        6. Discipline Record (To include suspension and/or dismissal)

        7. Class Status

        8. Physical Fitness Test*

*All Cadet Officers who are to participate in Orientation are to pass the Massachusetts Maritime Academy Physical Fitness test.

      1. The Deputy Commandant, working with a joint Selection Committee made up of MMA Professional Staff and other Regimental Leaders is responsible for the fair, standardized, efficient, and thorough selection of incoming cadet officers. Collaborating with the Regimental Commander administer the will administer a plan for leadership training, applications, interviews, and selections that mimic current industry best practices. This plan must be approved by the Commandant of Cadets or their designee.

      2. Before the time of selection, designated incumbent Cadet Officers will submit their recommendations for cadet positions at the Regimental, Battalion, and Company levels to include Company Commanders and Executive Officers. One interview process will take place in front of the Selection Committee, with the Deputy Commandant acting as the Board Chair. Positions will be chosen based on the most qualified, not on what Company a cadet currently resides in. Selected candidates may be required to shift to a different company to assume their new leadership role. The Vice President/ Commandant of Cadets will review and approve the recommended slate before meeting with the Admiral for final review. Once these positions have been approved and accepted, the process will be replicated at the company level.      to include the outgoing and incoming Company Commanders and Executive Officers,      , and chaired by the Commandant of Cadets Company Officer.      Once selected and approved, the incoming Company Commander and Executive Officer, under the guidance of the Company Officer will select the incoming Squad Leaders. Before recommendations for appointment to these positions are also solicited from the Academy faculty and professional staff. The Commandant of Cadets has the final say.      

    1. Acceptance of Cadet Officers

      1. Cadet Officers will take the following oath during the Change of Command ceremony, at which time they assume the responsibilities of their offices:

“I, _______________________ having been appointed in the Regiment of Cadets, Massachusetts Maritime Academy, accept that appointment and do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and fulfill the regulations, policies and orders of the President, Massachusetts Maritime Academy and all other officers to whom the President delegates authority for such orders, policies and regulations.”

    1. Cadet Officer Positions – First Class

      1. The following positions have been designated for First Class Cadet Officers. Descriptions of the sleeve markings and collar devices appropriate for each position are also included. Note, the President ultimately approves all Senior Cadet Officer positions. The Master of the Training Ship, the Commandant of Cadets and the Deputy Commandant of Cadets reserve the right to relieve a cadet officer of their responsibilities for cause if warranted.

A. Regimental Staff

Regimental Commander

6 bars

Regimental Executive Officer

5 bars

Regimental Training & Retention Officer

5 bars

Regimental Operations Officer

5 bars

Regimental Adjutant

5 bars

Regimental Diversity & Inclusion Officer*

5 bars

Regimental Military & Veterans Liaison Officer

5 bars

Regimental Academic Operations Officer 

5 bars

Regimental Academic Resources Rate

4 bars

Regimental MSSEP Operations Officer*

4 bars

Regimental FENV Operations Officer*

4 bars

Regimental IMBU Operations Officer*

4 bars

Regimental EMHS Operations Officer*

4 bars

Regimental ESEN Operations Officer*

4 bars

Regimental Intramurals Officer

4 bars

Regimental Community Service Officer*

4 bars

*Assistants shall wear

3 bars

B. Battalion Staff

Battalion Commander (2)

5 bars

Battalion Executive Officer (2)

4 bars

Battalion Training & Retention Officer (2)

4 bars

Battalion Adjutant (2)

4 bars

Battalion Diversity & Inclusion Officer (2)

4 bars

C. Company Staff

Company Commander

4 bars

Company Executive Officer

3 bars

Company Training & Retention Officer

2 bars

Company Adjutant 2 bars Platoon Leader (4 per company)

2 bars

Band, Honor Guard, Drill Officer (7th Co.)

2 bars

D. Shipboard Regimental Staff

Regimental Training Ship Commander

6 bars

Cadet Chief Mate

5 bars

Cadet Chief Engineer

5 bars

Cruise Discipline Officer

4 bars

Support/Utility Adjutant

4 bars

E. Shipboard Deck Positions

Cadet First Mate – Division Leader

4 bars

Deck Adjutant

4 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Training (2)

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Navigator

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Life boatman

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Supply

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Medical

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Network

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Safety

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Safety Management

3 bars

Cadet Second Mate – Security

3 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Navigator (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Supply (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Life boatman (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Network (3)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Safety (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Safety Management (3)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Navigation Training (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Security

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Medical (3)

2 bars

Cadet Third Mate – Deck Training

2 bars

F. Shipboard Engineering Positions

Cadet First Assistant Engineer (4)

4 bars

Engine Adjutant

4 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Diesel

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Boilers

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Fuel Oil

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Refrigeration

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Outside

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Electrical

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Training

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Information

3 bars

Cadet Second Asst. Engineer – Evaporator

3 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Boilers (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Diesel (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Electrical (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Evaporator (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Fuel Oil (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Information (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Outside (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Engineer – Fabrication (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Eng. – Refrigeration (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Eng. – Aux. Training (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Eng. – Elec. Training (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Eng. – Lab Training (4)

2 bars

Cadet Third Asst. Eng. – 4/C Training (4)

2 bars

G. Student Government Association

SGA Executive President

5 bars

Student Trustee

4 bars

SGA Executive Vice President

4 bars

Senior Class President

3 bars

Executive Secretary

2 bars

Executive Treasurer

2 bars

    1. Cadet Officer Duties and Responsibilities – Regimental Staff

      1. Regimental Commander (RC)

The Regimental Commander is the senior cadet at the Academy and commands the Regiment. In the exercise of command functions, they shall carry out the policies of the President and Board of Trustees and endeavor to maintain the Regiment of Cadets in the highest possible state of efficiency. The duties of the Regimental Commander include but are not limited to the following:

        1. Working directly with the Commandant of Cadets, the organization and supervision of the Regiment in all matters of discipline, military knowledge, and supply, and the coordination of the daily routine.

        2. Issuing Regimental Orders and Memoranda as necessary to implement policy decisions made by the President or Commandant of Cadets. Close liaison with the Commandant of Cadets in this regard is essential to prevent conflict or misunderstanding.

        3. Serving as the Regimental Commander comes with duties of responsibility for the administration, training, discipline, and morale of the Regiment of Cadets and will hold Battalion and Company Commanders equally responsible.

        4. Serving as the Regimental Commander, the cadet will be an ex-officio member of the Student Government Association. The Regimental Commander or their designee will represent the Regiment of Cadets at all meetings.

        5. Serving as the Regimental Commander will grant duty to serve on Class I boards and Aptitude Review Boards.

        6. Represent the Academy at Open Houses and other functions as directed.

        7. Working directly with the Commandant of Cadets (or their designee) and the Director of Orientation to develop, plan, coordinate, and execute the Cadet Candidate Orientation Programs (fall and spring) including Pre-Orientation Cadre Training.

      1. Regimental Executive Officer (RXO)

The Regimental Executive Officer, as second in command of the Regiment of Cadets, is responsible for the overall operations of the Regiment. They must maintain constant communications with Academy, Regimental, Battalion, and Company staff to effectively manage daily operations within the Regiment. The Regimental Executive Officer is tasked with upholding Academy customs and traditions and enforcing all standards outlined in the Regimental Manual. The duties of the Regimental Executive Officer include but are not limited to the following:

        1. The Regimental Executive Officer is responsible for the training, discipline, and military knowledge of the Regiment. In matters of discipline, they will work closely with the Deputy Commandant of Cadets.

        2. The Regimental Executive Officer will provide access to the “staff” function of the Regiment. They will supervise the administration of the Regimental system and the activities of the Regimental Staff.

        3. They will implement all duties of the Regimental Commander in the Regimental Commander’s absence or inability to perform assigned duties.

        4. They will serve on the Honor Board Committee with the SGA President. Note that it is the Regimental Executive Officer’s responsibility to conduct the Honor Board investigation.

        5. They will serve on Class I and Aptitude Review Boards in the absence of the Regimental Commander.

        6. The Regimental Executive Officer will coordinate with the Regimental Intramural Officer to coordinate and run the Academy’s Remedial Physical Training Program.

      1. Regimental Adjutant (RADJ)

        1. All cadet watch functions will fall under the supervision of the Regimental Adjutant.

        2. The Regimental Adjutant will be responsible for the administrative functioning of the Regiment of Cadets.

        3. The Regimental Adjutant will also serve in the ceremonial roles assigned to that officer in the chapter dealing with Military Drill and Ceremonies.

      2. Regimental Operations Officer (ROPS)

The Regimental Operations Officer is the senior cadet officer responsible for the administration and implementation of the Cadet Discipline System. The Regimental Operations Officer will:

        1. Be responsible for the administrative setup of the Class II mast.

        2. Record the minutes of all the Class II mast boards.

        3. Supervise the implementation of the discipline system for restriction and extra duty.

        4. Record demerits in the Academy discipline system.

        5. Issue weekly restriction reports to the Academy Discipline Officer.

        6. Identify cadets who warrant warning and/or probation letters.

        7. Ensure all Class III mast boards are completed weekly.

        8. Communicate with Battalion Executive Officers frequently and delegate responsibilities to them as deemed necessary.

      1. Regimental Training and Retention Officer (RTRO)

        1. The Regimental TRO is the senior cadet officer responsible for the administration and implementation of the Training and Retention program for the academy.

        2. The Regimental TRO reports to the Commandant of Cadets and the Regimental Commander. The Regimental TRO will supervise Battalion and Company TROs.

        3. The Regimental TRO is the student liaison for Health Services, Admissions, and the Academic Resource Center.

        4. The duties of the Regimental TRO include, but are not limited to the following:

          1. Monitor the overall growth and mental health of cadets within the Regiment, especially 4/C cadets

          2. Tracking retention data

          3. Author the Regimental Red Flag Report during the Cadet Candidate Orientation Program

          4. Coordinating regimental study hours

          5. Supporting Admissions with Open Houses, tours, and tele-counseling program

          6. Organize and lead the MAPS Program

          7. Coordinates Library Watch

      2. Regimental Marine Science, Safety and Environmental Protection (MSSEP) Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental MSEP/MSSP Operations Officer and their staff will ensure that the following procedures are followed:

          1. Proper use of cleaning solutions and chemicals, and disposal of containers,

          2. Identification of hazardous materials on campus and aboard ship,

          3. Dissemination and use of Material Safety Data Sheets,

          4. Proper wearing of protective gear and clothing

        2. The Regimental MSSEP Operations Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc.

        3. The Regimental MSSEP Operations Officer will ensure Regiment-wide compliance with all Recycling and Smoking Policies. The Regimental MSEP/MSSP Operations Officer will work closely with the Academy’s Health and Safety Officer.

        4. Additionally, the Regimental MSSEP Operations Officer may be assigned additional duties to support Winter Term programs.

      3. Regimental Facilities Engineering (FENV) Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Facilities Operations Officer will be responsible for the overall condition of the dormitories and cadet public spaces, including all study lounges, computer facilities, laundry rooms, the mailroom, the Cadet Information Center, and the Fantail.

        2. The Regimental FENV Operations Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc.

        3. The Regimental Facilities Operations Officer will utilize the company Damage Control Officers to coordinate all reports of damage and maintenance items in the dormitory complex and initiate requests to the Dorm Maintenance Supervisor for replacement/repair of equipment.

        4. The Regimental Facilities Operations Officer will be responsible for supply and property matters within the Regiment of Cadets and will work closely with the Commandant of Cadets, the Academy’s Health and Safety Officer, and the Maintenance Department to carry out these responsibilities.

        5. The Regimental Facilities Engineering Officer will assist Career Services with the management of the FENV cooperative program and may be assigned additional duties to support the Winter Term programs.

      4. Regimental International Maritime Business (IMBU) Operations Officer

        1. The International Maritime Business (IMBU) Operations Officer is the senior cadet officer responsible for the International Maritime Business major.

        2. The Regimental IMBU Operations Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc.

        3. They are specifically responsible for the coordination of activities regarding the major throughout the year as designated by the Chairperson of the major and the office of the Commandant of Cadets through the Regimental Commander.

        4. Additionally, the Regimental IMBU Operations Officer may be assigned additional duties to support the Winter Term programs.

      5. Regimental Emergency Management and Homeland Security (EMHS) Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Emergency Management and Homeland Security (EMHS) Operations Officer will be responsible for the organization, administration, and supervision of a practical and effective safety program that will ensure the prevention of and, when necessary, proper response to emergencies.

        2. The Regimental EMHS Operations Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc.

        3. The Regimental EMHS Operations Officer will ensure that all new freshmen are enrolled in the Emergency Notification System. The EMHS Operations Officer will work closely with Public Safety and the Environmental, Health, and Safety Office to ensure regimental compliance with the program. They will also work closely with Academy staff in support of campus Emergency Management exercises and drills.

        4. The Regimental EMHS Operations Officer will constantly review security procedures and report all violations as necessary. They will assess potential breaches to security, such as outside doors, cadet room doors, and other such hazards.

        5. Additionally, the Regimental EMHS Operations Officer may be assigned additional duties to support the Winter Term programs.

      6. Regimental Energy Systems Engineering (ESEN) Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Energy Systems Engineering Operations Officer is the senior cadet officer responsible for the ESEN major.

        2. The Regimental ESEN Operations Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc.

        3. The Regimental Energy Systems Engineering Operations Officer is specifically responsible for the coordination of activities regarding the ESEN major throughout the year as designated by the Engineering Department Chair and the office of the Commandant of Cadets through the Regimental Commander.

        4. The Regimental Energy Systems Engineering Operations Officer will also be responsible for energy efficiency measures and sustainability initiatives within the Regiment of Cadets and will work closely with the Commandant, the Academy’s Health and Safety Officer, and the Maintenance Department to carry out these responsibilities.

        5. The Regimental Energy Systems Engineering Officer will assist Career Services with the management of the ESEN cooperative program and may be assigned additional duties to support the Winter Term programs.

      7. Regimental Diversity and Inclusion Officer (RDIO)

The Regimental Diversity and Inclusion Officer is the senior Cadet Officer responsible for all international student services, and exchange and diversity programs at the Academy. The RDIO reports to and is selected by The Captain Paul Cuffe Center for Inclusion. The duties of the Regimental Diversity and Inclusion Officer include but are not limited to the following:

        1. Aids in developing and overseeing programs, services, and initiatives designed to enhance the recruitment and successful retention of students from diverse, under-represented, and international populations. They will serve as liaisons and develop partnerships within committees to promote diversity as an essential element of the mission of the Academy.

        2. Supervise cadet hosts, cadets studying abroad, and all international students studying at the Academy (F-1 and J-1 Visa students).

        3. Coordinate intercultural learning events and aid in developing international, exchange, and underrepresented student programming.

      1. Regimental Intramural Officer (RIMO)

The Regimental Intramural Officer is the senior Cadet Officer responsible for the Intramural Program at the Academy. The Regimental Intramural Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc. The duties of the Regimental Intramural Program Officer include but are not limited to the following:

        1. Meet with Company Intramural Officers (IMOs), Athletics Department, and the Commandant’s representatives periodically to plan and coordinate events. Establish and post an intramural annual calendar for the Academic Year.

        2. Post and announce events and their results through the dorm’s PA system, posters, electronic monitors, Intramural bulletin board, and digital signage. Maintain the Intramural bulletin board with event brackets and pictures.

        3. Develop a “by Name referee/official schedule” and assign scoreboard operators for all indoor events. Use Company IMOs and work-study students when applicable.

        4. Coordinate with the Athletic Department’s equipment manager to ensure equipment needed is serviceable and readily available for scheduled events.

        5. With the support and approval of the Commandant’s Office and Athletics, develop an incentive/award system for participants to increase participation and Spirit de Corp among the Regiment.

        6. Coordinate with the yearbook committee members to take pictures at the different events.

        7. Coordinates the “Remedial Personal Fitness Test”

      1. Regimental Community Service Officer (RCSO)

The Regimental Community Service Officer is the senior Cadet Officer responsible for securing community service opportunities and recording all of the cadet volunteer hours at the Academy. The Regimental Community Service Officer reports directly to the Regimental Commander and, as a staff officer, will assist as directed in Regimental activities such as orientation, inspections, watches, etc. The duties of the Regimental Community Service Officer include but are not limited to the following:

        1. Find and coordinate community service opportunities for cadets

        2. Protect the best interests of cadets while they are at events

        3. Ensure cadet leadership is present at all events

        4. Relay community service events to the cadets via email, website, and word of mouth.

        5. Update the community service website

        6. Update the “civic engagement” wall in Harrington

        7. Accurately log and track all community service hours

        8. Maintain accountability of all volunteer coordinator assistants (VCAs)

    1. Cadet Officer Duties and Responsibilities – Battalion Staff

      1. Battalion Commander (BC)

The Battalion Commander is a senior cadet at the Academy and commands half of the Regiment. In the exercise of command functions, they shall carry out the policies of the President and Board of Trustees and endeavor to maintain the Battalion in the highest possible state of efficiency. The duties of the Battalion Commander include but are not limited to the following:

        1. Working directly with the Regimental Commander and Battalion Officer, in all matters of discipline, Academy knowledge, and supply and the oversight/coordination of the daily routine.

        2. Enforcing Regimental Orders and Memoranda as necessary to implement policy decisions made by the President or Commandant of Cadets. Close liaison with the Battalion Officer and Regimental Commander in this regard is essential to prevent conflict or misunderstanding.

        3. Serving as the Battalion Commander comes with duties of responsibility for the administration, training, discipline, and morale of the Regiment and will hold Company Commanders equally responsible.

        4. Represent the Academy at Open Houses and other functions as directed.

        5. Serving as the senior person of contact to the Academy Bookstore, assisting in the coordination of all uniform distribution evolutions.

        6. Serving as the mediator for Company Commanders/Company staff and Regimental staff, maintaining strong relationships and strong lines of communication.

        7. Working closely with the Regimental Commander and Regimental Executive Officer to develop, plan, coordinate, and execute the Cadet Candidate Orientation Program.

      1. Battalion Executive Officer (BXO)

        1. Must be ready to take command of the battalion at moment’s notice

        2. Ensure that the Battalion Commander has all the necessary information needed to issue orders.

        3. In charge of the discipline and good order of the battalion

          1. Attend all class II mast hearings at the discretion of the Regimental Operations Officer

          2. Assist the Regimental Operations Officer with all disciplinary duties.

          3. Assist in the coordination of restriction and extra duty.

          4. Ensure the Company Executive Officers are properly operating class III mast hearings.

        4. Responsible for the appearance of the Battalion

          1. Ensure consistency among companies at morning formation

          2. Ensure the company staff of each company is setting a good example with grooming standards and uniforms.

          3. Work closely with the Battalion Adjutant on accountability at morning formation

        5. Meet with and update Battalion Officers

        6. Perform weekly inspections as assigned by the Regimental Adjutant.

        7. Attend Pre-Orientation/Orientation during the month of August to assist Company and Regimental Staff with assigned/requested tasks.

        8. Regularly meet with company staff to discuss and inform cadet cadre of necessary information concerning the Regiment of Cadets.

      2. Battalion Training and Retention Officer (BTRO)

        1. Coordinate with the Regimental Training and Retention Officer (RTRO) and assist with MAPS.

        2. Attend Pre-Orientation/Orientation and assist company/regimental TROs as needed.

        3. Filter and write red flag reports from your respective Battalion while communicating with the RTRO.

        4. Overall responsibility for training and retention within the BTRO’s respective companies under the supervision of the Company Officer.

        5. Assist with planning and coordinating:

          1. Tours for visitors/prospective students

          2. Shadow student visits

          3. Open Houses/Accepted Students Days

          4. Library watches

          5. Sunday Night Series

        6. Attend regimental inspections assigned by the Regimental Adjutant.

        7. Regularly meet with company staff to discuss and inform cadet cadre of necessary information concerning the Regiment of Cadets.

      3. Battalion Adjutant (BADJ)

        1. Oversee and enforce the work of respective company adjutants. It will be the responsibility of the BADJ to hold company adjutants accountable.

        2. Assist the Regimental Adjutant with holiday watch bills and overall accountability.

        3. In the event of the absence of a company adjutant, fill in and ensure all watches are properly covered/stood.

        4. Completion of any additional task from the Battalion Commander, Battalion Executive Officer in support of battalion operations.

        5. Perform weekly inspections as assigned by the Regimental Adjutant.

        6. Attend Pre-Orientation/Orientation during the month of August to assist Company and Regimental Staff with assigned/requested tasks.

        7. Regularly meet with company staff to discuss and inform cadet cadre of necessary information concerning the Regiment of Cadets.

      4. Battalion Guidon Bearer (3/C)

The Battalion Guidon Bearer (one for each battalion) is a sophomore cadet at the Academy who represents the spirit and pride of a battalion by bearing its guidon at all Regimental ceremonies and functions. The Battalion Guidon Bearer is selected by the incoming battalion staff and reports directly to the Battalion Commander. The Battalion Guidon Bearer is the regimental representation of third-class cadets and must always uphold the standards and traditions of the Academy to the highest level. The Battalion Guidon Bearer is permitted to wear a chevron insignia with one specialty mark (rating) on their right collar and garrison cover. The duties of the Battalion Guidon Bearer include but are not limited to, the following:

        1. Bear the battalion’s guidon at all regimental functions and ceremonies as necessary including morning formation, Orientation Graduation, Fourth Class Recognition, and Change of Command.

        2. Maintain the appearance and condition of the guidon at all times

        3. Assist the battalion staff in the daily operations of the battalion, offering an underclass perspective to the battalion staff.

        4. Serve as an Orientation Assistant:

          1. Report directly to the Director of Orientation and the Regimental Commander

          2. Provide logistical support to cadre and Academy staff including, but not limited to: water and food distribution, training room preparation, pond preparation, and transportation

          3. Take pictures and maintain the online Orientation Blog

          4. As requested, interface with outside vendors i.e., firefighting academy, laundromat, PT gear distributor, photographer/videographer

          5. Assist Regimental Intramural Officer prepping fields/gym/pool for scheduled events E. Participate in any special projects at the discretion of the Battalion Commander.

    1. Cadet Officer Duties and Responsibilities – Company Staff

      1. Company Commander (CC)

The Company Commander shall implement and carry out the policies of the Regiment and the Academy as established by the President, Commandant of Cadets, and the Regimental Commander. The duties of the Company Commander include the following:

        1. The Company Commander is responsible for the proper organization and administration of the Company with particular emphasis on matters of assignment.

        2. The Company Commander is responsible for the overall appearance of the company and will insist that the high standards established for the Regiment of Cadets are upheld. They will ensure that daily inspections of platoons and common spaces are conducted.

        3. They will ensure communication throughout the company employing meetings, bulletin boards, etc.

        4. They will supervise the activities of the Company in the Admiral’s Award Competition during Orientation.

        5. The Company Commander will ensure that a 1/C cadet officer is present during the duty day for their Company.

      1. Company Executive Officer (CXO)

        1. The Company Executive Officer is second in command of the company and is the assistant to the Company Commander. In the absence of the Company Commander, they will perform the duties of the Company Commander and will maintain company policy.

        2. They will ensure that all staff functions in the company are carried out properly. C. They will collaborate with the Company Officer to oversee Class III mast boards

      2. Company Adjutant (CADJ)

The Company Adjutant is the cadet officer assigned in each company to establish and administer the watchbills. The Adjutant must do the following:

        1. They will prepare and post all watch bills. All watchbills are to be posted as per the procedures outlined in Chapter 2, The Orders to the Cadet Watch.

        2. They will ensure that all watch responsibilities are carried out.

        3. They will ensure a muster is taken of those on watch before or on the day of.

      1. Platoon Leader (PL)

        1. Each Company shall assign four Platoon Leaders whose primary responsibilities are to utilize effective leadership techniques in promoting efficient operation and fair administration of their platoon.

        2. The Platoon Leader is responsible for the overall appearance, discipline, and performance of the personnel within their platoon as well as for the overall order of their living quarters. Platoon Leaders are responsible for the following:

          1. Maintaining order while in formation

          2. Verifying the accuracy of musters

          3. Maintaining order within the dormitory

          4. Inspecting platoons daily

          5. Thoroughly investigating incidents of dormitory damage

        3. They will ensure that company spaces and areas are kept clean and free of trash and other hazardous materials.

        4. They will ensure that the Cleaning Station Watch bill is posted and that the duties are carried out.

        5. Each of the three Platoon Leaders may also be assigned the duties of the Company Disciplinary Officer, the Company Adjutant, and the Company Damage Control Officer.

      2. Company Training and Retention Officer (CTRO)

Each Company shall have assigned one Training and Retention Officer whose primary responsibility is the administration and leadership of the student retention and recruitment program. This position reports to the Company Officer and to the Dean of Enrollment Management.

        1. The Training and Retention Officer will supervise the Training and Retention squad leader. The Training and Retention Officer is responsible for the following:

          1. Coordinating the Company Study Hours Program

          2. Coordinates Library Watch

      1. Squad Leader (SL)

        1. Each platoon shall have assigned Squad Leaders who will be responsible for providing a positive example in instilling high standards of appearance and performance. As the backbone of the organization, the Squad Leader must be thoroughly familiar with all members of the platoon and must maintain an accurate accountability of their whereabouts and actions. All Squad Leaders will be 2/C cadets.

        2. Squad Leaders are also charged with maintaining discipline of the personnel within their squads. In this endeavor they will do the following:

          1. Ensure compliance with Academy regulations and directives as well as company and regimental policies.

          2. Conduct inspections of personnel and their living quarters.

          3. Ensure accuracy of musters and oversee underclass sign-ins.

          4. Report damage of quarters to the Platoon Leader.

          5. Squad Leaders may have additional duties as assigned. Duties may include, but are not limited to:

            1. Damage Control Officer (DCO) – Reports to the Company Commander and is responsible for the implementation of cleaning stations including the creation of a weekly cleaning bill for freshmen and Squad Leaders.

            2. Volunteer Coordinator Assistant (VCA) – Reports to the Regimental Community Service Officer and tracks all hours of community service for cadets within the company

            3. Training & Retention Assistant (TRA) – Reports to the Company TRO and is responsible for the mental health, wellbeing, and academic success of their subordinates, usually 4/c cadets.

            4. Assistant Disciplinary Officer (ADO) – Reports to the Company Executive Officer and assists in the implementation of the Company Class III mast system.

      2. Petty Officer (PO)

        1. Petty Officers are third class cadets who are in training and are actively pursuing a leadership position and may be assigned as needed.

          1. Any cadet at the end of the fall sophomore semester who is designated as suspended or on probation for the following semester will not be allowed to be considered for squad leader status for the next fall.

          2. Any cadet who is expected to obtain junior status by the following fall semester is eligible for Petty Officer and Squad Leader consideration that spring.

          3. Any cadet who has obtained 101 demerits or more in the last 12 months cannot be considered for squad leader status.

          4. Any cadet who is on conduct probation cannot be considered for squad leader status.

          5. Any cadet applying for squad leader status in spring of their sophomore year must demonstrate as part of the application process that they can achieve junior status by resent definition prior to the August orientation commencing in the fall. The application must be approved by the registrar prior to being forwarded to the Commandant’s office or selection consideration.

        2. The Petty Officer program must be administered in accordance with the Cadet Training Standard Operating Procedure.

    1. Seventh Company: The Regimental Band, Honor Guard, and Drill Team Company

      1. Seventh Company, the Regimental Band, Honor Guard and Drill Team Company, will provide all musical, military honors, drill and ceremony support for Academy and other public functions. Seventh Company will be commanded by the Seventh Company Commander, who will be assisted by the Seventh Company Executive Officer, the Regimental Honor Guard Operations Officer, the Regimental Band Operations Officer and the Drill Team Operations Officer.

      2. Seventh Company Commander

The Seventh Company Commander will implement and shall carry out the policies of the Regiment and the Academy as established by the President, Commandant of Cadets and the Regimental Commander and perform all other duties enumerated in paragraph 1-701 above. Additionally, the Seventh Company Commander will:

        1. Assist the Seventh Company Officer in co-coordinating all movements of the Regimental Band, Honor Guard and Drill Team. This may include but is not limited to, orchestrating Seventh Company travel logistics and performance schedule, personnel inspections before performances and enforcement of uniform standard.

        2. The Seventh Company Commander will ensure that practice schedules are published and that the schedule is smoothly executed. They will ensure effective communication throughout the company by means of meetings, bulletin boards, electronic messaging and contact via cellular phone.

        3. The Seventh Company Commander will assist the Seventh Company Officer in maintaining an accurate inventory of equipment and a repair/replacement schedule.

        4. The Seventh Company Commander is the direct liaison to the Regimental Commander and their staff on issues of drill and ceremony and Seventh Company functional support requests for service to the regiment of cadets.

      1. Seventh Company Executive Officer

        1. The Seventh Company Executive Officer is second in command of the Company and is assistant to the Company Commander. In the absence of the Company Commander, they will perform the duties of the Company Commander and will maintain company policy.

        2. They will ensure all staff functions in the company are carried out properly.

        3. They will ensure an accurate muster of all personnel daily following morning formation and provide a copy to the Seventh Company Officer.

        4. They, along with the fourth-class Platoon Commander will be responsible for the assignment of cadet quarters within the Seventh Company dormitory.

      2. Regimental Honor Guard Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Honor Guard Operations Officer is the executive administrative officer of the Regimental Honor Guard. They are the senior cadet in the Regimental Honor Guard and commands that unit under the command of the Seventh Company Commander. The Seventh Company Commander and Honor Guard Operations Officers have the power to appoint Honor Guard staff officers (squad leaders) and/or NCOs (petty officers).

        2. Their primary duty is to ensure the Honor Guard is outstanding in its appearance and performance.

        3. The Honor Guard Operations Officer along with the Honor Guard staff officers (squad leaders) and/or NCOs (petty officers) will personally make a sight inventory of all weapons and other equipment at least once a semester and will submit a signed inventory report to the Seventh Company Officer upon completion of this inventory.

        4. They will ensure all weaponry is properly stored, secured, and ammunition usage is properly logged.

        5. They will work with the Drill Team Operations Officers to ensure the Honor Guard and Drill Team practice schedules, events and performances are effectively communicated and published and the schedule is smoothly executed.

      3. Regimental Honor Guard Assistant Operations Officer

        1. The Honor Guard Assistant Operations Officer is to be a subordinate of the Regimental Honor Guard Honor Guard Operations Officer. They assist in the daily logistical operations of the Regimental Honor Guard. This may include but is not limited to, taking muster at morning formation (events), appointing and training the cadet event operators (PIC).

        2. They may serve at the request or absence of the Honor Guard Operations Officer as the Honor Guard ranking, commanding officer for ceremonies, parades, and formations.

        3. They will maintain a database for Honor Guard events and personnel participation.

      4. Regimental Drill Team Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Drill Team Operations Officer is the executive administrative officer of the Regimental Drill Team. They are the senior cadet in the Regimental Drill Team and commands the unit under the command of the Seventh Company Commander. The Seventh Company Commander and the Drill Team Operations Officer have the power to appoint Drill Team Operations Staff Officers (squad leaders) and NCOs (petty officers).

        2. Their primary duty is to ensure the Drill Team is outstanding in its appearance and performance.

        3. The Drill Team Operations Officer along with the Drill Team staff officers (squad leaders) and/or NCOs (petty officers) will personally make a sight inventory of all weapons and other equipment at least once a semester and will submit a signed inventory report to the Seventh Company Commander upon completion of this inventory.

        4. They will ensure all weaponry is properly stored, secured and usage is properly logged.

        5. They will work with the Honor Guard Operations Officer to create practice schedules, events and performances are effectively communicated/published and the schedule is smoothly executed.

      5. Regimental Drill Team Assistant Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Drill Team Assistant Operations Officer is to be a subordinate of the Regimental Drill Team Operations Officer. They assist in the daily logistical operations of the Regimental Drill Team. This may include, but is not limited to, taking muster at morning formations (events) appointing and training the cadet event operators (PIC).

        2. They may serve, at the request or absence of the Drill Team Operations Officer, as the Drill Team’s ranking, commanding officer for ceremonies, parades, and formations.

        3. They will maintain a database for Drill Team events and personnel participation.

      6. Regimental Band Operations Officer

        1. The Regimental Band Officer is the executive administrative officer of the Regimental Band. They are the senior cadet in the Regimental Band and commands the band under the leadership of the Seventh Company Commander and the Seventh Company Officer.

        2. They will ensure all members using Academy instruments execute proper custody receipts assuring the accountability of the equipment and that the instruments are maintained in the proper condition. They along with band staff officers, Drum Major, squad leaders and or NCOs (petty officers) will be responsible for making a sight inventory of all instruments and other equipment at least once a month and will submit a signed copy of the inventory report to the Seventh Company Officer.

        3. Will be responsible for the maintenance of the academy music library, keeping the music filed properly and having the music available and in good order.

        4. They will ensure the practice schedule for events and performances of all musical ensembles are effectively communicated and published.

        5. They may serve as field band conductor or drum major.

      7. Regimental Assistant Band Operations Officer (Drum Major)

        1. Serve as the face of the Band and functions as the principal conductor/field commander

        2. The Assistant Regimental Band Operations Officer is to be a subordinate of the Regimental Band Operations Officer. They assist in the daily logistical operations of the Regimental Band, which may include but is not limited to, taking muster at morning formation, appointing, and training cadet event operators (PIC).

        3. They may serve, at the request or absence of the Band Operations Officer, as the Band’s ranking commander for ceremonies, parades, and formations.

        4. They will establish a daily bugler’s duty rotation for “Reveille,” “Morning Calls” and “TAPS.”

        5. They will maintain a database for musical events and personnel participation.

    1. Maritime Cadet Officers Duties and Responsibilities

      1. Regimental Training Ship Commander (RTSC)

The Regimental Training Ship Commander shall carry out policies of the Regiment as pertaining to shipboard operations, both alongside and seagoing, as established by the President and the Master. The duties will include, but are not limited to, the following:

        1. The Regimental Training Ship Commander is responsible for the proper organization and administration of the Sea Term Maritime Cadet Officers and those cadets living aboard and embarked for activation.    

        2. The Regimental Training Ship Commander shall assist the Master and Commandant of Cadets in all matters pertaining to cadet discipline, military bearing, supply, and coordination of the daily routine.

        3. The Regimental Training Ship Commander shall attend the Master’s department-head meetings and interact as appropriate. The Regimental Training Ship Commander will also disseminate information to the senior Maritime Cadet Officers during daily meetings.

      1. Cadet Chief Mate and Cadet Chief Engineer (CCM and CCE)

        1. The Cadet Chief Mate and Cadet Chief Engineer shall be considered the senior most cadets aboard the vessel subordinate to the Regimental Training Ship Commander.

        2. The Cadet Chief Mate and Cadet Chief Engineer shall coordinate the daily routine as promulgated by the Master and Commandant of Cadets and shall support all initiatives deemed appropriate by the Regimental Training Ship Commander in the administration of cadet discipline and military bearing.

        3. The Cadet Chief Mate and Cadet Chief Engineer are the senior most cadets within their major fields of study and shall coordinate the duties of the maritime cadet officers within their department, as per the direction or the Chief Mate or the Chief Engineer.

        4. The Cadet Chief Mate and Cadet Chief Engineer shall coordinate the assignment of maintenance and watch duties with the Chief Mate, Chief Engineers, and the training coordinators of their majors.

        5. The Cadet Chief Mate and Cadet Chief Engineer shall attend the daily briefings as directed by the Regimental Training Ship Commander.

      2. Shipboard Maritime Cadet Officers (Rates)

        1. All Cadet Second Mates/Assistants, Third Mates/Assistants, and Assistant Operations officers shall support the discipline and military bearing as directed by the Regimental Training Ship Commander.

        2. All Cadet Second Mates/Assistants, Third Mates/Assistants, and Assistant Operations officers shall report to the appropriate ship’s department head to which they are assigned and assist them with the duties that are required within their major or ship’s department.

        3. All Cadet Second Mates/Assistants, Third Mates/Assistants, and Assistant Operations officers shall supervise the underclass cadets as assigned to them, instilling within them an understanding of ship safety, discipline, and knowledge.

      3. All Maritime Cadet Officers are required to participate in the Summer Orientation, Orientation Mini Cruise, and Annual Sea Term.

    1. Student Government Association Officer Duties and Responsibilities

      1. The duties and responsibilities of all Student Government Association (SGA) elected officers are as written in the SGA Bylaws. A copy of the SGA by-laws is available on the Google drive.

    2. Figures

Figure 1.1: Regimental Chain of Command

A diagram of a company

Description automatically generated

Figure 1.2: Sea Term Chain of Command



Orders to the Cadet Watch/Emergency Procedures

    1. General
      1. Authority

In accordance with the authority contained in General Order 87 of the Merchant Marine Act, which requires that state maritime academies organize cadets into a disciplined system, cadets are assigned watch responsibilities. These Orders to the Cadet Watch specify their duties and responsibilities.

      1. Mission

Watch keeping, one of the oldest traditions of the sea, is integral to the concept of developing industry leaders. Watch keeping provides practical experience in the importance of responsibility, the hierarchy of authority, the need to follow the chain of command, greater attention to detail, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with the successful completion of a watch. Every cadet will graduate knowing the lessons of watch keeping, which will enable them to lead a structured organization, operate a ship, and possess the alertness and preparedness required when managing a team.

      1. Watch Keeping Creed

As a cadet of Massachusetts Maritime Academy, I will stand watches as assigned aboard and ashore, and will report to my station physically and mentally prepared to stand my watch to the best of my ability, will dutifully carry out the responsibilities of the watch with due diligence and vigilance, will follow all orders given by officers and cadets of senior responsibility, and will never permit a cadet to assume the watch who is not prepared to relieve the watch.

      1. Objectives of the Cadet Watch System
        1. To gain experience in the administration of authority and responsibility,
        2. To develop qualities of reliability, leadership, competence, tact, adaptability, loyalty and sense of duty, which are necessary for a successful career in any industry,
        3. To assist in the administration of the daily routine of the Regiment of Cadets.
        4. To aid in safeguarding the personnel and property of the Academy and of the Regiment of Cadets.
        5. E. To meet cadet licensing requirements.
      2. Organization of the Cadet Watch
        1. Rotation
          1. The Cadet Watch will utilize the Company organization within the Regiment of Cadets. The system will operate on a daily rotation basis, one Company being designated as the Duty Company for a period extending from 0800 on one day until 0800 on the following day.
          2. Weekend watch responsibility will be assigned to one company. The watch will commence at 0800 on Friday and continue until 0800 on Monday.
          3. Holiday watches will cover the entire holiday as reflected in the Holiday watch bill.
          4. Any Holiday that falls on one day during the week will commence at 0800.
        2. Participation
          1. Participation in the Cadet Watch System is mandatory for all cadets.
          2. Certain cadets’ ability to participate in the program may be curtailed by their obligations to the Regiment, Athletics, Band, Honor Guard, or International Student Exchange Program.
            1. All cadets are required to check the watch bills and report any errors or omissions to the company adjutant.
            2. Regiment
              1. First class cadets of the rank of four bars or greater are relieved of their responsibility to stand billeted watches, unless deemed necessary by the Commandant of Cadets and Regimental Adjutant.
              2. First class cadets of the rank of four bars or greater are responsible for the oversight of all dormitory and shipboard watches and instructing  watchstanders in their responsibilities, thereby ensuring the smooth operation of the Cadet Watchstanding System.
              3. All cadets of the rank of three bars or lower will be assigned billeted watches within the Company  to which they are assigned.


          1. Athletics
            1. Athletes on the roster of Varsity teams stand normal weekly watches. A varsity athlete is required to notify their company adjutant, at the beginning of each semester that they are on a varsity roster. (Appendix N)
            2. Adjutants should not assign athletes on the roster of in-season Varsity teams to watch during their practice times.
            3. Due to weekend athletic commitment, athletes on the roster of in-season Varsity teams will not be assigned weekend watches during the period of their regular season.
          2. Seventh Company (Band and Honor Guard)
            1. All Band and Honor Guard cadets stand normal weekly watches.
            2. Due to their weekend commitments, Seventh Company cadets will be assigned to only one weekend watch per semester at the time of the greatest convenience as deemed by the company command.
          3. Regimental Commuters
            1. Regimental Commuters are required to stand weekly and weekend watches with the company to which they are assigned.
          4. International Student Exchange Program
            1. Cadets accepted into the program for the spring semester only can stand normal weekday watches. However, cadets will be exempted from weekend watch duty.
          5. Military Obligation
            1. Cadets with military obligations such as weekend drill or scheduled duties shall report such obligation at the start of each semester to the Company Adjutants so that they are not scheduled for watch on the specified date. This shall be backed by official orders from their Commanding Officer which shall be given to the Watch Officer or Adjutant. They will be required to stand Academy Watches on nights/weekends when they are not fulfilling a military obligation.
          6. Emergency Response Personnel
            1. Cadets that are serving as first responders in state or private organizations (Fire, Police or EMT) shall identify this obligation to the Company Adjutant at the beginning of each semester. They must try to get someone to cover the shift in order to be exempt from standing Academy Watches on their assigned night of duty at the previously stated organization. A copy of the schedule or official letter from their supervisor stating they are in fact scheduled for duty shall be delivered to the Watch Officer or Adjutant. They will be required to stand Academy Watches on nights they are not on duty elsewhere.
        1. Adjutants
          1. Regimental Adjutant
            1. The Regimental Adjutant is responsible for the overall operation and supervision of the Cadet Watch System and is assisted by all seven Company Adjutants.
            2. The Regimental Adjutant is responsible for overseeing the assignment of watches throughout the Regiment, posting all watchbills, communicating and copying all watchbills to the training ship, and ensuring that accurate muster sheets are available at all times and at 0700 at CIC for Morning Formation.
            3. The Regimental Adjutant networks with the STCW Coordinator to ensure that cadets fulfill their watchstanding responsibilities for graduation and license requirements.
            4. The Regimental Adjutant assigns Holiday Watches, conducts the Formal Posting of Holiday Watches and is responsible for approval of Change-of-Watch forms for Holiday watches. Holiday Watches will be posted next to the ASDO office on the 00 deck of Second Company.
            5. The Regimental Adjutant is responsible for instructing the Fourth Class in watchstanding during the Orientation period.
            6. The Regimental Adjutant is responsible for STCW class musters during the Orientation period.
          2. Battalion Adjutants
            1. The Battalion Adjutant oversees and enforces work of respective company adjutants. It will be the responsibility of the BADJ to hold company adjutants accountable.
            2. The Battalion Adjutant will assist the Regimental Adjutant with holiday watch bills and overall accountability.
            3. In the event of absence of a company adjutant, the Battalion Adjutant will fill in and ensure all watches are properly covered/stood.
            4. The Battalion Adjutant will assist the Regimental Adjutant with Orientation and all matters pertaining to watchstanding instruction for the Fourth Class.
          3. Company Adjutants
            1. The Company Adjutant is responsible for the fair and equitable assignment of watches within that Adjutant’s company and for approving any changes-of watch. All watchbills will be submitted to the Company Commander and Company Officer for approval and posted in the duty company at least three weeks in advance of the company’s duty day.
            2. The Company Adjutant is responsible for maintaining accurate company muster sheets and keeping in season Varsity sports rosters.
            3. The Company Adjutant conducts the Formal Posting of the Watch on the company’s duty day by 0700 outside the ASDO office, located on the 00 deck of Second Company.
            4. The Company Adjutant is responsible for submitting draft and final watchbills to the Regimental Adjutant.
        2. Watchbills
          1. Weekly Watches
            1. Watchbills for the Duty Company will be prepared by the Company Adjutant, submitted to the Company Commander, and approved by the Company Officer. After final approval, watchbills will be submitted to the Regimental Adjutant.
            2. Draft watchbills (Revision: 0) will be posted at least three weeks in advance. Final Watchbills (Revision: Final) will be posted by the Wednesday of the week before the watch is assumed. No Change-of-Watch forms will be approved after the Final Watchbill has been posted.
            3. The Regimental Adjutant will post the final watch bills on the Wednesday of the week before the watch is assumed. Watchbills should be posted at CIC, on the training vessel and in the ASDO’s office. The bills will encompass the entire week and will detail all the watches assigned for that period.
            4. Adjutants will keep careful records of how many and which watches each cadet stands. It is the responsibility of the Company Adjutants to ensure that the watchstanding responsibility is shared equally and fairly throughout the company.
          2. Weekend Watches
            1. Company Adjutants will ascertain how many weekend watches each cadet must stand during the semester and will post weekend watch sign-ups during the first week of each semester.
            2. Cadets may sign-up for the watches on a first come, first served basis. If a cadet fails to take the initiative to sign up by the deadline, that cadet will be assigned a watch and will have the responsibility to stand that watch regardless of personal plans. Once a cadet has committed themselves to a watch, they are responsible for standing that watch.
          3. Change of Watch
            1. If a cadet has an unavoidable conflict with an assigned watch, the cadet may find a replacement and submit a Change-of-Watch form to the Company Adjutant and Company Officer.
            2. Absolutely no changes will be made to the watch bill (other than for emergency) once the watch bill has been posted on Wednesday before the week of the assigned watch (Revision: Final).
            3. Exchanging watches for money is not authorized under any circumstances. It is a Class II violation of Regimental Regulations (205-c-3h)
        3. Class Attendance
          1. Only two watch standers per day, 1/C or 2/C, will potentially experience a conflict between class and watch.  Additionally, some cadets with night classes may have a conflict between class and watch.
          2. Watch normally takes precedence over class. Cadets are responsible, however, for informing their professors of their planned absence in a timely fashion. Cadets are further responsible for the material covered during the class period.
          3. Cadets may be excused from watch in order to take an examination. Cadets must inform the Chief Mate during the day and the ASDO during the evening that they request to be excused for the purpose of taking an examination.
        4. Change of Command
          1. Following the Change of Command Ceremony, graduating 1/C cadets are relieved of their watch-standing responsibilities.
          2. Non-graduating 1/C and 2/C will stand 1/C watches (RSDO, COWS and CEOW).
          3. All 2/C and 3/C watches will be stood by 3/C cadets.
      1. Watch Structure
        1. Regimental Staff Duty Officer (RSDO) – The RSDO will be responsible for the overall execution of the dormitory and shipboard watches for the 24-hour period of their watch. The Cadet Officer of the Watch Dormitory, the Cadet Officer of the Watch Shipboard and Cadet Engine Officer of the Watch report to the RSDO.
        2. Cadet Officer of the Watch Dormitory (COWD) – The COWD is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations of the Academy and for the execution of the watch during their watch period. The COWD is also responsible for maintaining the logbook. The Cadet Quartermaster and Messengers will report to the COWD.
        3. Cadet Quartermaster of the Watch (CQOW) – The CQOW is responsible for communications, including pipes, telephone, and radio, in the dormitory complex. The CQOW is also responsible for greeting visitors to the dormitory complex. The CQOW reports to the COWD.
        4. Messenger (MGRA/MGRB) – The primary duty of the Messenger is to make a thorough fire and security watch and to assist where needed. The Messengers report to the COWD.
        5. Cadet Officer of the Watch Shipboard (COWS) – the COWS is responsible for the overall security and safety of the training ship and waterfront. The COWS reports to the RSDO.
        6. Cadet Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch (CBMW) – The CBMW will be responsible for making rounds of the training vessel and waterfront. The CBMW will report to the COWS.
        7. Cadet Junior Officer of the Watch (CJOW) – The CJOW is responsible for monitoring traffic, radios and the fire detection system aboard the training vessel. The CJOW reports to the COWS.
        8. Cadet Security Roving Watch (CSRW A/CSRW B) – The messengers are responsible for making fire and security rounds of the training ship (DETEX rounds). The messengers report to the COWS (shipboard).
        9. Cadet Engineer of the Watch (CEOW) – The responsibility of the CEOW is to monitor all systems and machinery in the Engine Room. The CEOW reports to the Chief and/or Duty Engineer, the RSDO and the ASDO.
        10. Cadet Assistant Engineer of the Watch (CAEW) – The CAEW’s main responsibility is to assist the CEOW in monitoring the systems in the engine room. The CAEW reports directly to the CEOW.
        11. Cadet Oiler of the Watch (COIL) – The duty of the Cadet Oiler is to assist the CEOW, as necessary. The Cadet Oiler reports to the CEOW.
        12. Cadet Wiper of the Watch (CWIP) – The Cadet Wiper maintains cleanliness in the Engine Room. The Cadet Wiper reports directly to the CEOW.
    1. General Instructions to All Watch standers
      1. General
        1. Formal Posting of the Watch
          1. There will be a Formal Muster of the Watch each day at 0700 in a location to be designated by the Adjutant of the Duty Company.
          2. All watch standers for the day will muster in the Uniform of the Day with combination cover or the appropriate uniform. Shipboard watch standers must also bring a flashlight, jackknife, hard hat and safety equipment, if needed.
          3. The purpose of the Formal Posting of the Watch is to conduct an accountability muster and a personal appearance inspection of all watch standers. Final instructions to the watch may be passed on at this time by the Adjutants.
        2. Assumption/Relief of Watch
          1. All cadets will familiarize themselves with the Emergency and Security Procedures as well as the “Orders to the Cadet Watch” before assuming the post.
          2. The RSDO will take muster, inspect all watch standers to ensure that uniform standards are met, and pass on any relevant information.
          3. After the watch is mustered and inspected, the shipboard watch standers will report to the training ship as a team and relieve the watch.
          4. The senior watch stander will make a signed log entry upon assuming the post and will list all cadets standing watch.
        3. Cadets shall not engage in any activity that will detract from their duties, such as engaging in unofficial conversations on cell phones, reading periodicals, books or other materials, or watching movies. Cadets shall not bring any laptops, homework, text books or other reading material to their watch location.
        4. When off watch, all watch standers will remain on Academy grounds unless authorized by the ASDO to leave the campus.
        5. The only person authorized to excuse a cadet from their watch responsibilities is the Commandant of Cadets, Deputy Commandant of Cadets, or the ASDO.
        6. Watch standers are responsible for the enforcement of all appropriate Academy Regulations and Directives. All orders received by a cadet from a cadet on duty are to be considered official and are to be obeyed accordingly.
    2. Duties of the Regimental Staff Duty Officer
      1. General
        1. Cadet Officers of the rank of 3 bars and below and 1/C cadets (Fall Semester) and 1/C or 2/C cadets (after Change of Command) will be assigned duty as the Regimental Staff Duty Officer (RSDO).
        2. The uniform for the RSDO will be the Uniform of the Day with combination cover.
        3. The Regimental Staff Duty Officer (RSDO) is the representative of the on-duty ASDO and is responsible to them for the supervision of the cadet watch in the performance of their duties as prescribed in the Orders to the Cadet Watch and for the safety of the cadet dormitory complex.
      2. Assumption of Duty
        1. The on-coming/off-going RSDOs and the on-coming/off-going ASDO will meet in the ASDO Office (00 deck of 2nd Company) at 0700 for briefing. Each relieving RSDO shall request permission of the ASDO prior to relieving the watch.
        2. The RSDO must report to the on-coming ASDO at 1530 or immediately after their last class in the ASDO’s office.
        3. The RSDO may request permission from the ASDO to attend classes and varsity athletic practice and games. The ASDO should be kept informed as to the RSDOs location at all times.
      3. Cadet Watch List

The RSDO is responsible for monitoring the cadet watch assignments for their duty period. If there is a problem concerning absent watch standers, they shall notify the ASDO immediately.

      1. Watch Responsibilities
        1. The RSDO shall ensure that all branches of the Cadet Watch are properly executing standard procedures. They shall visit all branches of the watch during the day to verify this.
        2. The RSDO shall be responsible to the ASDO for the proper carrying out of colors, honors, and formations. They will ensure the muster boards are up to date and delivered to the COOW for processing.
        3. The RSDO shall muster all restricted cadets during liberty hours. They will personally account for all cadets on administrative or conduct restriction at CIC.
        4. The RSDO will maintain control of visitors present in the dormitory complex, ensuring the compliance with pertinent regulations regarding hours and authorized areas as per the Visitors Policy (Section 6-300).
        5. The RSDO shall act as necessary to maintain order in the dormitories. They will make frequent tours of the dormitories to ensure compliance with these regulations.
        6. The RSDO shall advise the training vessel’s COWS and the Academy Staff Duty Officer (ASDO) of any emergency in the Cadet Dormitory complex, or of any change in cadet activities that will affect other divisions or departments, or the cadet routine. The RSDO shall contact the ASDO if ever in doubt of action to be taken in any situation.
        7. Colors shall be held promptly at 0730 and at sunset. The RSDO shall supervise and shall attend morning colors and take muster on the patio for those cadets who are unable to march due to medical conditions. The muster sheets must be passed to the ASDO immediately after Morning Formation.
        8. When enforcing the Regulations for the Regiment of Cadets, the RSDO shall interpret the spirit as well as the letter of the regulations. Discretion shall serve as the guide in situations not covered herein. Unusual occurrences shall be brought to the attention of the ASDO.
        9. The duties of the RSDO will include, but are not limited, to the following:


First restriction sign-in of the day.


Check in with ASDO. Attend the formal posting of the watch, if possible.


Second restriction sign-in of the day. Tell the watch how to secure the watch at 0730.


Report to the Patio and conduct the Patio Muster. Pass the patio muster to the ASDO


Brief the oncoming ASDO in the ASDO office.


Report to the Restriction Muster. Check in with the on-coming ASDO for further instructions. Perform a radio check. Post the 1600-2000 watch.

1600 – 2200

Conduct hourly restriction musters at CIC.


Post the 2000-2400 watch.


Post the 0000-0400 watch.


Post the 0400-0800 watch.

    1. Duties of the Cadet Officer of the Watch Dormitory (COWD)
      1. General
        1. Cadets of the Second Class (Fall and Spring Semesters) will stand as the Cadet Officer of the Watch Dormitory (COWD).
        2. Cadets standing COWD may be EM, IMBU, & MSSEP.
        3. The uniform for the COWD will be the Uniform of the Day with a combination  cover.
      2. Assuming of Duty

The relieving COWD shall request permission of the Regimental Staff Duty Officer (RSDO) prior to relieving the watch.

      1. General Responsibilities
        1. The COWD is the direct representative of the RSDO. The COWD shall be responsible to the RSDO for enforcement of regulations and conduct of all cadet activities scheduled for the period of their watch.
        2. They shall remain at the assigned office during the period of the watch except when watch duties require their presence elsewhere. When leaving the post, the RSDO shall be advised. In the absence of the RSDO, only the most urgent business shall take the COWD away from the duty post. If this should occur, they must notify the RSDO of the circumstances.
        3. The COWD shall ensure that only authorized personnel are in the CIC area.
        4. The COWD shall be responsible for the cleanliness of the spaces assigned.
      2. Logbook Entries
        1. The COWD is responsible for keeping the Watch Logbook.
          1. Each day should begin a new page with a heading including the weekday, date and year in military format.
          2. All times will be recorded using the 24-hour clock, which extends from 0001-2400. All times should include four digits (e.g. 8 a.m. = 0800).
          3. All routine business (e.g. assumption of the watch, rounds, pipes), as well as unusual events (e.g., fire alarms) should be recorded. A start time and a finish time of each event should be recorded (e.g., “2000-4/c Smith commences fire rounds. 2041-4/c Smith completes fire rounds. Reported a charged fire hose on 03 deck, 6th Company. RSDO notified.”).
          4. The COWD should sign the final entry of their watch.
        2. The COWD is responsible for keeping the Visitor Log.
          1. The Visitor Log should contain the following information:
          2. Visitor’s name, name of the cadet being visited, time checked in, time checked out, and type of ID collected. A visitor pass should be issued.
      3. Communication Procedures
        1. The Public Address System
          1. The COWD is responsible for the use of the public address system, which will be used only for emergencies or announcements of the general type that cannot be handled by regular means and must be approved by the ASDO.
          2. The COWD will be responsible for ensuring that pipes are properly authorized and made according to the established protocol.
        2. Telephone Procedure
          1. They will ensure that telephones are used for official business only. Any calls not local must be logged in the RSDO’s log and reported to the Commandant of Cadets.
          2. The COWD will ensure that the telephone is answered in a professional manner at all times (“Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Cadet­­­­­­ _______ speaking. May I help you?”).
          3. The COWD will ensure that the telephone is checked for messages and that any messages will be delivered in a timely fashion.
          4. The COWD will ensure that messages taken are accurate, documented in the logbook and passed to the person for whom they are intended as soon as possible.
        3. Radio Communications
          1. The COWD is responsible for receiving and making any call using the CIC radio.
          2. Radio checks will be done at the start of every watch to the ASDO, Public Safety, Quarter Deck, and the RSDO.
    1. Duties of the Cadet Quartermaster of the Watch (CQOW)
      1. General
        1. Cadets of the Third Class (Fall and Spring Semesters) will stand as the Cadet Quartermaster of the Watch (CQOW).
        2. Cadets standing CQOW may be EM, IMB or MSSP.
        3. The uniform for the CQOW will be the Uniform of the Day with a combination  cover.
        4. The CQOW will be responsible to the RSDO and the COWD for greeting visitors to the Dormitory Cadet Information Center (CIC) and for communications including making pipes and answering the phone.
      2. Communications
        1. Telephone Procedures
          1. The CQOW will receive incoming telephone calls and other communications directed to the dormitory CIC area. All incoming calls will be answered in a courteous and military manner in the following fashion: “Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Cadet Third Class speaking. How may I help you?”
          2. Politely explain to persons desiring to talk with an individual cadet that a message will be delivered to the cadet concerned and they will return the call but that the cadet may not be summoned to the telephone.
          3. Record incoming telephone messages accurately and should document the following information: name of the cadet, the cadet’s room number, the nature of the call, who the call was from, the time and date of the call, who took the message and log the message in the logbook.
          4. Deliver all messages to the room of the intended recipient, cadet, or officer as soon as possible. It will be the responsibility of the Cadet Quartermaster to record the address and the message accurately. They will record the date/time and the identity of the caller, verify the correct room number of the cadet, and sign the bottom of the message legibly to denote who received the call. The CQOW will forward the message to the COWD and then advise the COWD of the message and the identity of the cadet. The COWD will be responsible for the delivery of the message using the available Messenger of the Watch.
          5. The CQOW will be responsible for the security of the telephone in the dormitory CIC area. This phone is for official use only. No personal calls are to be made or received on this extension. Incoming calls for cadets will be serviced in the following fashion: determine the number where the caller can be reached, hang up, and then deliver the message to the cadet called as per the procedure described above.
          6. In the event of emergency calls, where unusual circumstances are involved, or any time you are in doubt about the proper course of action, advise the ASDO and the RSDO and await their decision. Any messages that are of an emergency nature must be so indicated so that prompt delivery can be attempted.
          7. After Academy business hours, the telephone in the dormitory CIC area receives all incoming calls originating from outside the Academy.
            1. The Cadet Quartermaster will answer all calls received in a courteous manner, recording the appropriate information and advising the RSDO or COWD of the same.
            2. Any call of an official nature, i.e., regarding any aspect of the Academy program or department, will be logged in the log along with all pertinent information: time, party calling, party called and message, if any.
            3. Transferring Calls: An incoming caller may ask to be transferred to another extension.
              1. On the phone screen, press the transfer button.
              2. Dial the extension number to whom the call is being transferred.
              3. Press the transfer button again.
        2. The Public Address System
          1. The COWD is responsible for the use of the public address system, which will be used only for emergencies or announcements of the general type that cannot be handled by regular means as approved by the ASDO
          2. During the academic day (0700-1600), announcements of all but a genuine emergency nature will be made only on the hour at 0700, 1100, 1200, and 1300. No announcements will be made at other times.
          3. Manner of Making Announcements
            1. Requests for announcements from faculty members, cadets, etc., shall be written out, signed and dated by the requester and approved by the ASDO.
            2. Announcing, “piping,” or calling for an individual cadet for personal reasons, i.e. telephone call, convenience of another cadet, etc., will not be made unless it is a genuine emergency. Cadet messengers will take a written note to the cadet’s room.
            3. Announcements will be made using the following terminology:
              1. The phrase “Now Hear This” will be used once before any announcement to alert everyone in the area to the forthcoming message. When a series of announcements is to be made, this phrase need not be repeated for each one.
              2. Once finished with announcements, CIC will repeat the announcements in case someone did not hear or misunderstood the first time. Do not say the phrase “I say again.”
              3. When reference is made to an individual cadet, they should be referred to in the following manner: “Cadet Second Class”.
            4. Departure from this procedure set forth herein may be made when the circumstances require. These should be minimal, however, and care must be taken that use of the system does not fall into the category of convenience.
    2. Duties of the Cadet Messenger (MGRA/MGRB)
      1. General
        1. Cadets of the Fourth Class (fall and spring terms) will stand as the Messenger (MGRA/MGRB)
        2. Cadets standing MGRA/MGRB may be of any major.
        3. The uniform for the Messenger duty shall be the uniform of the day with high-pressure cover.
      2. Assumption of Duty

Messengers should report to CIC 30 minutes before the scheduled time of their duty to request permission from the COWD to relieve the watch.

      1. General Responsibilities
        1. Messengers will be used for watch functions only. They will not be used for unofficial purposes or personal needs.
        2. The Messengers will make rounds in the dorms as assigned by the COWD. They will be alert to report any disorders, such as fires, electrical or plumbing malfunctions, vandalism of any nature by anyone, unauthorized persons in the dormitories, any attempts at breaking and entering, thefts, etc. Any incidents of this nature will be reported immediately to the COWD, the RSDO, and / or the ASDO.
        3. The Messengers will route all messages, notes, letters, official papers, etc. as directed by the COWD. While on duty, the proper request to enter an upper-class room is, “Messenger, Sir/Ma’am, Permission to enter, Sir/Ma’am.”
        4. In unusual circumstances when the COWD or the CQOW are absent, the Messenger shall answer all phone calls in the proper manner.
    1. Duties of the Cadet Officer of the Watch Shipboard (COWS)
      1. General


    1. Emergency Procedures – Dormitory Complex
      1. General
        1. The purpose of this section is to direct watchstanders to the appropriate document that delineates responsibility and procedures to prevent fires and other emergencies and to prepare them to respond to these conditions should an emergency arise.
        2. Laws and Regulations of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts prescribe certain minimal standards and procedures that are incorporated in these regulations.
        3. In the event of an emergency, immediately notify the ASDO and Public Safety, then begin to act as outlined in the emergency and security procedures in the “Red” binder entitled “Emergency Preparedness Guide.” Continue to follow the guide until the ASDO and Public Safety arrive.
      2. Alternate Communications Center

In the event an Alternate Communications Center must be set up (due to a fire in the dormitory complex, bomb threat, etc.), the Quartermaster will use the call forwarding function of the telephone system to transfer the incoming calls to the Public Safety Office in the Bresnahan Hall (508.830.5238) and will have the watch relocated to that office. For call forwarding at CIC, depress *2#, then Ext. 5238, and hang up. To reverse the procedure back to CIC, depress #2# and hang up.

    1. Figures




Figure 2.1. Sample Weekday Watch Bill




Figure 2.2. Sample Weekend Watch bill

Rules and Regulations
3-100 Authority and Rationale for Regulations and Standards


101 General Order No. 87

  A. Under Public Law 96-453 (the “Maritime Education and Training Act of 1980”), the Academy stipulates in writing that it will comply with certain regulations and minimum standards in the operation of the school. These regulations and minimum standards are contained in Maritime Administration General Order No. 87.

  B. Regulations and Standards for the Regiment of Cadets of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy are administrative, not adversarial or judicial in the legal sense


3-200 Regulations and Standards


Honor, integrity, loyalty to superiors, and adherence to the traditions of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy are fundamental characteristics and attributes of a successful Merchant Marine Officer and career professional. The discipline program is intended to be remedial and educational rather than legalistic and punitive. The rules are designed to promote positive behavioral changes that permits cadets to show a renewed willingness to adhere to the Academy’s regulations and to accept personal responsibility for the misconduct. Each cadet, regardless of field of study or career path, will strive to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting the highest standards of honesty, integrity and maturity.


201 Authorization

  1. The President is the only officer authorized to assign punishment to a cadet or to delegate this authority to any other faculty or administrative officer. A ship’s officer, member of the Academy faculty, administrator, or a cadet shall not prescribe any form of punishment for infractions of discipline unless such authority has been delegated by the President.
  2. The Commandant of Cadets and Deputy Commandant is authorized to award administrative restrictions to a cadet or cadets for actions associated with serious violations of the Regulations when deemed appropriate.


202 These regulations do not limit the discretionary authority of the President to take immediate action to suspend any cadet(s) for violations of these regulations or for other breaches of good order and discipline when, in the President’s judgment and discretion, the situation requires urgent attention.

  1. In any case of cadet misconduct in which a cadet’s own safety or the safety of others may be jeopardized by a cadet’s continued presence aboard the training ship, the Master of the training ship is delegated the authority to exercise independent judgment and discretion as to whether a cadet should be suspended immediately and removed from the training ship. In a case where a cadet has been removed from the training ship, a hearing conducted in accordance with the procedure specified in Article 209-C will be conducted as soon as practicable.
  2. Should it become necessary to suspend a cadet from the Academy and to remove them from the training ship in a foreign country, the Master of the training ship shall make the necessary arrangements with the appropriate consular officials of the United States to ensure that the cadet’s rights as an American citizen are protected and that arrangements have been made for the cadet’s travel to a location as close to the cadet’s home state as travel arrangements permit. Should it become necessary to suspend a cadet from the Academy and remove them from the training ship when the ship is in a continental American port, the Master of the training ship shall ensure that arrangements have been made for the cadet’s travel close to the cadet’s home. All expenses incurred in complying with this paragraph shall be the responsibility of the cadet, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be reimbursed within 60 days.
  3. Should it become necessary to suspend or remove a cadet from the dormitory and the Academy for misconduct in which the cadet’s own safety, or the safety of others may be jeopardized, the President of the Academy may authorize the cadet’s removal from campus. Prior to the Academy President deciding to remove a cadet from the Academy grounds, dorms, classes, etc., the cadet will be given the opportunity to meet with the Academy President. In addition, if a cadet voluntarily abandons their responsibilities with the regiment and / or academic responsibility, the cadet will be administratively removed and considered “dismissed” by the Academy for abandonment.


203 Cadets charged with or convicted of a civil or criminal offense outside the Academy may be subject to these regulations. Any cadet charged or convicted of a criminal offense outside of the academy must self-report to the Commandant’s Office. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.


204 Types and Classifications of Deficiencies

  1. General
    1. Deficiencies are classified in Article 205 of these regulations on the basis of the seriousness of the acts and/or omissions that constitute the punishable offense. These classifications are provided for general guidance only. In the case of the act or omission of any cadet, the circumstances that surround that specific act or omission at the time of its occurrence will be considered, and any deficiencies may be re-classified as a Class I, Class II, or Class III offense based on the circumstances surrounding that specific act or omission and at the discretion of the Commandant of Cadets.
    2. Ignorance of these regulations, or any other regulations that are applicable to cadets or of any orders that may be issued periodically, will not excuse the commission of an offense. Every cadet is required to be familiar with all applicable regulations and orders, and it will be presumed that any such ignorance is the result of the cadet’s own neglect unless they can show evidence to the contrary.
    3. Cadets are expected to exercise good judgment in cases not covered by regulations or orders or in cases in which orders are obviously illegal or otherwise inappropriate. Should a cadet disregard an order on the grounds that they judge it inappropriate, they do so at their own risk and may be found guilty of an offense if the order in question later is held to have been given properly. A cadet’s exercise of poor judgment is not itself an offense under these regulations, but where the exercise of such judgment leads to the commission of an offense by the cadet or by others to whom these regulations apply, the cadet will be charged accordingly.
    4. These regulations apply at all times to every cadet when the cadet is under the jurisdiction of the Academy.
    5. Whenever any cadet is found guilty of repeating an offense for which they have been found guilty at least once before, the penalty imposed for any such subsequent offense ordinarily will be greater than that imposed for the prior offense.
  2. Table of Authorized Punishments
    1. The following table shows the authorized awards for the various levels of punishment. Each cadet will be awarded demerits and restriction days for a guilty misconduct. Awarded restriction days will amount to approximately a quarter of the demerits assigned for each offense.
    2. The Commandant or Deputy Commandant may suspend or revoke cadet automobile privileges (without refund) for three class III’s or two class II’s of the same offense within an academic year.


Demerits                             10                    100

Restriction (days)               3                      15



205 Specific Conduct Offenses

  1. Attempts to commit an offense
    1.  An attempt is an act performed, beyond mere preparation and thought, with the intent to commit a conduct offense. Failure to successfully commit the offense still constitutes an attempt amounting to more than mere preparation and intending, though failing, to affect the commission of the offense.
    2. Attempts should be charged the same as the intended offense. The maximum punishment is the same as for the intended offense.
    3. A person who intends to commit an offense, then voluntarily abandons the undertaking, is not guilty of the offense. A person whose undertaking is terminated by unforeseen circumstances is guilty of an offense.

  2. Regulations, Orders, Instructions
    1. Disobedience to orders and regulations is more serious than a mistake in judgment. Orders are given with the expectation of compliance both in spirit and in letter. 2. Offenses:





Violation of oral or written orders, instructions or other directives addressed to a group or individual with minor effect.




Violation of oral or written orders, instructions or other directives addressed to a group or individual with major  effect.  




Demonstrating gross ignorance of instructions, regulations, or directives.  




          1. Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.
          2. If any of the above listed offenses are specifically described by another delinquency code, that delinquency code should be used. Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.
        1. Duty/Watch
          1. Considerations in determining correct awards for offenses involving duty should include the nature of the duty, the cadet’s position, and whether the delinquencies resulted from laxness, carelessness or negligence.
          2. Failing to assume a responsibility, evading a regulation, permitting other cadets under one’s command or control to evade responsibility or regulations, and overlooking or failing to report breaches of regulations are all offenses that indicate poor motivation and a low concept of duty.
          3. Offenses:





a. Intentional failure to properly perform a duty to include failing to report for watch/duty and securing from watch without authorization.




Reporting late for watch/duty or failure to properly notify the Company Adjutant when unable to fulfill a watch/duty due to illness or injury, regardless of an authorized medical note.




Interfering with an individual who is performing a duty regardless of rank or class standing.




Aiding, abetting, counseling, commanding, or procuring the commission of an offense punishable by this instruction. The level for the aider/abettor generally shall be the same as that for the offense committed by the principal.




Failing to perform a duty properly through negligence, laxness, or ignorance, including unintentional failure to properly perform a duty.




Failing to correct or to report an offense. The level for the offense generally shall be the same as that for the offense committed by the principal.




Unauthorized assumption of authority including unauthorized duty change




Exchanging money for watch duties.




          1. If any of the above listed offenses are specifically described by another delinquency code, that delinquency code should be used. Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.
        1. Standards of Behavior
          1. Standards of decorum and conduct expected of ladies and gentlemen, as well as professionals, are also expected of cadets. These include actions or words that would bring discredit upon the Academy when the individual is identifiable as a member of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.
          2. Offenses:






Arraignment of a cadet for a felony or misdemeanor by federal, state or local authorities shall not prohibit the Academy from disciplining a cadet for any conduct violation.





f. Assaults; threats, whether verbal or physical that place a reasonable person in imminent fear of bodily harm or threats that breach a reasonable sense of security. Assault and battery, whether the assault caused minor or serious injury. To include bullying and cyberbullying through the use of social media.

Class 1 Investigation to be conducted




Extortion: the making of an unlawful threat against another in order to induce the latter to commit an act or refrain from committing an act to the advantage of the person making such threat.





Falsehood: to include any deliberate misleading or evasive statement, the concealment of any pertinent information, any attempt to deceive a person in authority, false muster or any false entry in a log or other official document, to include “fake ids”

Honor Code (HC) See Appendix A




Fraud: to include cheating, plagiarism, internet misuse or charging phone calls or other charges to Academy equipment or to any member of the Academy community.

Honor Code (HC) See Appendix A




Discrediting public conduct: acts that tend to reflect discredit on the Regiment of Cadets or on the Academy.





Abuse of power or authority – unwarranted assumption of authority.





Engaging in unauthorized money-making activities, to include gambling.





Inappropriate behavior prejudicial to good order and discipline . Can be raised to the level of a class 1 offense if the potential for serious injury to self or others exists.





Fleeing/avoiding police/public safety officers.





Disrespect to a person in authority.





Challenge to personal combat, threat of physical violence.



possible CLERY


Improper conduct during class. To include use of a cellular phone or any other device not authorized by proper authority.





Discrediting personal conduct: acts that tend to reflect disgrace or discredit to oneself.





Obscene, profane, provoking improper language, gestures, images, or social media postings



possible CLERY


Unauthorized removal of food or equipment from the dining hall.





Operating sound equipment in a manner that disturbs other cadets.





Failing to self-report to the Commandant’s Office or other administration official when arrested by law enforcement off campus for any charge/charges or involvement in any type of incident with the probability of criminal proceedings resulting.





Hazing – recklessly or intentionally endangering the mental or physical health of a cadet. (See Appendix C)

Class 1 Investigation to be conducted



t. Fraternization (See Appendix F) Class II or Class I Varies Possible CLERY
        1. Discrimination/Harassment (CLERY)
          1. All acts of discrimination, discriminatory harassment, and retaliation, which deny or have the effect of denying to any person their rights to equity and security on the basis of their membership in or association with a member of any protected class. The Academy reaffirms the values of civility and pre-eminence of individual human dignity as preconditions to the achievement of an academic community, which recognizes and utilizes the resources of all people.
          2. The Academy maintains a “zero tolerance” policy for all offenses in this section.  Zero tolerance means that all violations of this nature will be investigated and, if warranted, referred to a Class I board. The summary findings from the board shall include a determination of "responsible" or "not responsible". If found responsible, the board will make a recommendation/s along a continuum of consequences up to and/or including dismissal from the academy.  The President reserves the latitude to modify the board’s recommendation for violations herein this section.
          3. Herein protected class refers to characteristics or groups of persons protected from discrimination by law, including, race, color, religion, national origin, persons of color, age, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital/parental status, or veteran status.
          4. The following offenses are in addition to all prohibited behavior outlined and defined in the Massachusetts State College’s Equal Opportunity, Diversity, and Affirmative Action Plan.
          5. Offenses:







Discrimination – Acts of discrimination that do not fall under Title IX. (See 3-205E)

Class II or Class I


possible CLERY


Harassment – Acts of harassment that do not fall under Title IX.

Class II or Class I


possible CLERY


Retaliation – Acts of retaliation that do not fall under Title IX.

Class II or Class I


possible CLERY


Violation of an MMA issued No Contact Order

Class II or Class I / Possible Title IX


possible CLERY


        1. Discrimination
          1. Any intentional actions that deny or attempt to deny a person’s rights, entitlements, or equality of opportunity; the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people in protected classes. Which includes written or verbal comments such as offensive slurs, slang, jokes, or words with intended malice towards a person or people within a protected class. May include display of offensive material, written or pictorial.
          2. Contributing to a hostile environment
          3. Violations of Massachusetts State College’s Discrimination and Harassment Policies
        2. Sexual Misconduct
          1. Public displays of sexual acts either consensual or non-consensual. Sexual acts include touching, intercourse, or other actions that reasonably would excite or satisfy the sexual desires of the actors.
          2. Indecent exposure
          3. Soliciting
          4. Prostitution or associating with prostitutes
          5. Fraternization
          6. Sexual exploitation, taking advantage of another person for one’s own benefit, or the benefit of anyone other than that person without that person’s consent.
          7. Engaging in manipulative, threatening, and coercive behavior to obtain consent. (This includes the use of alcohol or drugs to impede judgment, or incapacitate)
          8. Violations of the Massachusetts State College’s Sexual Harassment Policy
        3. Sexual Violence (CLERY)
          1. Rape. The penetration no matter how slight of the anus, vagina, or mouth by any body part of another person or by an object without consent. This includes the performance of oral sex or anal sex on another person without that person’s consent.
          2. Assault (sexual). An assault that places a reasonable person in imminent fear of bodily harm or threats. Any kind of sexual physical contact that involves any form or coercion, force, or lack of consent. Sexual physical contact includes the intentional touching of another person on an area of the body generally recognized as a private part of the body, or touching any part of another person’s body with a private part of one’s own body, no matter how slight. To include kissing or fondling without consent, advancing sexual activity without consent, and ignoring a partner’s objections to sexual activity.
          3. Aiding or assisting in the commission of an act of sexual violence.
          4. Violations of the Massachusetts State College’s Sexual Harassment Policy.

I  Alcohol, Drugs, and Controlled Substances (See Appendix B) (CLERY) All alcohol violations require that the cadet complete an online alcohol assessment. Completion of the assessment will be required within one week of the cadet being given instruction. A certificate of completion must be submitted to the Class II Mast Board Chairperson within the allotted time.

  1. The Commandant’s Office will notify the parents / guardians, via letter, of any cadet who has been found guilty of an alcohol-related offense. In addition, the cadet will have their campus parking privileges revoked for one calendar year from the date of offense.
  2. Students who obtain alcohol and distribute alcohol to persons under the legal drinking age will face a Class I conduct charge of “unauthorized sale and/or transfer of marijuana, narcotics, alcohol and other controlled substances.”
  3. Any cadet found guilty of a third alcohol offense will be referred to the Aptitude Review Board for possible suspension or dismissal. Cadets found guilty of a third alcohol offense may be mandated to see a Behavioral Health Counselor. Designer Drugs, including but not limited to synthetic drugs (K2, spice, herbal potpourri, etc.), are considered a drug and a banned substance.
  4. Offenses:






Unauthorized possession of marijuana, narcotics and other controlled substances.





Unauthorized use of marijuana, narcotics and other controlled substances or failure to comply with a random/directed drug test when notified,





Unauthorized sale and/or transfer of alcohol, marijuana, narcotics and other controlled substances.





Driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, narcotics and other controlled substances.





Consumption of alcohol while in a watch or duty status or within 12 hours of assuming duty/watch.





Unauthorized possession, use, or in the presence of alcoholic beverages. First Offense:

2 Letter Home Loss of Parking Alcohol Assessment




Intoxication: having lost noticeable possession of faculties as evidenced by conduct, actions, deeds statements or any impairments of one’s ability to function normally.





Unauthorized possession, use, or in the presence of alcoholic beverages by a minor. First Offense:

2 Letter Home Loss of Parking Alcohol Assessment




Violation of Academy tobacco policies.





Extreme Intoxication: abuse of alcohol on or off campus to the point in which the cadet’s own safety or the safety of others is placed in jeopardy and for which the offending cadet may require immediate medical attention. (This situation during Sea Term will result in immediate discharge from the training ship and a class one discipline board at a later date).





Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.

      1. Military Bearing/Civilian Appearance
        1. It is incumbent upon a cadet to maintain a proper appearance at all times, both in and out of uniform and to maintain proper military decorum.
        2. Offenses:





Unauthorized wearing of insignia or class stripes to which one is not entitled.




Unsatisfactory appearance in uniform.




Wearing a deteriorated, discreditable, or soiled item of uniform.




Improper conduct in ranks.




Possession of a deteriorated or discreditable item of uniform.




Not shaving  properly.




Improper haircut and/or grooming,




Wearing an improper uniform




Wearing inappropriate civilian clothes or wearing civilian attire when not authorized to do so.




Failure to observe military customs and courtesies to include failing to render or return a proper hand salute.




Failure of Regimental personal inspections.




Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.

      1. Dormitory/Room Condition and Appearance
        1. Offenses:





Use of unauthorized means of entrance to or exit from the dormitory or dorm room to include using the deadbolt latch as an anchoring device to unsecure a dorm room.




Failure of Admiral’s or Captain’s Inspection.




Violation of regulations concerning room arrangement/standards, to include contraband, to major or minor effect.




Failure of room inspection.




Articles thrown from any window or articles hanging outside of dorm windows.




Failure of Regimental room inspections.




Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.

    1. L. Safeguarding MMA and Personal Property
      1. 1. Offenses:






Destruction to or damage of MMA property, intentionally by gross negligence, of a value equal to or more than $250 to include replacement cost.





Destruction or damage to another’s property of any value, intentionally or due to gross negligence.





Theft or attempt to commit theft to include receiving stolen property.





Driving a vehicle or any marine vehicle so as to endanger any person or property. Failure to report driving violations that occurred on Academy grounds to the respective  Company Officer.





Unauthorized entrance into any Academy building, vessel, vehicle, premises or a room other than your own.





Fire or other alarm: unauthorized use or tampering with fire alarms or other fire suppression devices or sounding a false alarm.





Unauthorized opening, reading, or tampering with mail, e-mail or the private documents of others.





Unauthorized use of or tampering with Academy property.





Destruction to or damage of MMA property, intentionally or gross negligence, of a value less than $250 to include replacement cost. Destruction or damage to another’s property due to carelessness or negligence.





Having unauthorized guests on Academy premises.





Removing articles from buildings, rooms, or any other academy property without the expressed permission of proper authority.





Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.


M. Weapons and Fireworks (Weapons of any kind and fireworks are not authorized on campus)

  1. Offenses:






Unauthorized possession or maintenance of any firearm, ammunition, dangerous weapon or instrument. This includes crossbows, spear guns, double edged knives, paintball guns, B-B guns, air guns, pepper spray, stun guns, Tasers or any facsimile of a weapon and fireworks of any type in addition to any other dangerous weapon as prescribed by Mass. General Laws.





Igniting or possessing fireworks on or in the vicinity of MMA property.





Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.

      1. Absences or Tardiness
        1. The characteristic of reporting on time is inherent in a cadet who is self-disciplined and who possesses a strong sense of duty. The cadet must learn to allow sufficient time for unknown circumstances and unforeseen delays in reporting. The seriousness of tardiness is indicated only partly by the length of time involved. The degree of judgment exercised by the cadet in attempts to report for duty is also taken into consideration. For example, a cadet may be only slightly late, but if their actions indicate lackadaisical, nonchalant planning, that cadet should be dealt with more severely than should one who was late substantially in spite of attempts to report on time.
        2. Offenses:





Absent without authority 24 hours or more or absent sailing muster.




Breach of Restriction.




Absent Restriction formation or restriction duty.




Absent without authority less than 24 hrs, to incl Monday and Friday Morning Formation, port liberty/other.




Absent without authority from obligation through negligence (off-campus event, class, musters, taps, formations, study hours, march-on practices, etc.)




Late without authority from obligation through negligence: (off-campus event, class, mast, musters, taps, formations, study hours, etc.).




Absent march-on, change of command, other ceremonial functions or failure to report for assigned Class III or II Mast hearing.




Demerit recommendations listed above are just that, a recommendation.



206 Reporting Authority

A cadet may be reported for being deficient. Reports may be submitted at any time by Academy Administrators, Faculty or Staff Members, Ship’s Officers, Academy Public Safety Officers, Senior Cadet Officers, or by any Squad Leader with approval from a Senior Cadet Officer with annotated approval in the description of the offense section of the electronic tap sheet. Any cadet not granted reporting authority by this Article shall report violations of these Regulations and Standards to a person who has such reporting authority.



207 Procedure for Processing Mast Reports

  1. The Deputy Commandant of Cadets or designee, after receiving a Mast offense, shall review the offense, and when necessary request more information, inquire into the circumstances, and take one of the following actions:
    1. Exonerate the cadet.
    2. Classify the deficiency as a Class III Offense and assign the case to the Company Mast Board for disposition in accordance with the procedures outlined in Article 209.
    3. Classify the deficiency as a Class II Offense and assign the case to the Commandant’s Mast Board for disposition in accordance with the procedures outlined in Article 209.
    4. Classify the deficiency as a potential Class I Offense and assign an Academy Company Officer to investigate the reported offense. Standard of evidence used in investigation and proceedings is a “preponderance of evidence”.
    5. Classify the deficiency as an Honor Code Offense and assign the case to the Honor Board.
    6. After reviewing the report of the investigating Company Officer, the Deputy Commandant of Cadets shall take one of the following actions:
      1. Exonerate the cadet.
      2. Reclassify the violation as a Class II or Class III Offense.
      3. Classify the violation as a Class I Offense and refer the case to the Disciplinary Board for action.
  2. Mast Offense – Process Time Chart

When the Mast Offense is submitted to the Commandant’s Office, the following recommended processing times, authority, and actions will commence. The times are recommended as a guide only.

        1. Deputy Commandant or designee: Reviews/Classifies Mast Report Form.
        2. Investigating Officer: Conducts Investigation (21 days).
        3. Deputy Commandant or designee: Classifies deficiency.
        4. Cadet: Responds to charges in accordance with Article 209C (3 days).


208  Composition of Mast Board, Disciplinary Board, Aptitude Review Board, and Re-admission Board

  1. The Company Class III Mast Board shall consist of three members: The Company Commander (or designee), Company Discipline Officer (or designee), and another staff member within the Company of any rank. Any Company Mast Board member shall excuse themselves from the mast hearing panel if they are assigned the disciplinary action. The Company Officer shall be present to ensure the proper administration of the Mast Board. Processed cadets may appeal awarded demerits to the Company Officer within 24 hours of the mast hearing in writing. If the Company Officer issued the discipline, the appeal may go to the Deputy Commandant of Cadets within 24 hours of the mast hearing in writing.
  2. The Commandant’s Mast Board shall consist of the Commandant’s Discipline Officer (or designee) who shall serve as Chairperson, the Regimental Operations Officer, and the two Battalion Executive Officers. Any Commandant’s Mast Board member shall excuse themselves from the mast hearing panel if they are assigned the disciplinary action.
  3. The Disciplinary Board and the Aptitude Review Board shall each consist of the following:  
    1. Provost/SVP Academic Affairs: Chairman.
    2. Dean of Enrollment Management, Equity, and Inclusion or designee: Member.
    3. Dean of Undergraduate Studies or designee: Member.
    4. Dept. Chairman (of accused cadet’s major) or designee: Member.
    5. Regimental Commander (or any other Regimental Officer): Member.
    6. SGA President (or any other Regimental Officer): Member.
    7. VP Student Services/Dean of Students/Commandant (Board Advisor, Non-voting member)
    8. Director of Student Services, Asst. Dean of Students/Deputy Commandant (Board Recorder, Non-voting member)
    9. The President may, when deemed appropriate and at their sole discretion, whether temporarily or otherwise, appoint other officers to serve instead of those designated above or additional officers, if considered necessary. In addition to the foregoing, during any period in which the training ship is on cruise status, there shall be constituted a Disciplinary Board and an Aptitude Review Board, each shall serve as such aboard the training ship and, unless the President shall otherwise direct, respectively shall have all the powers and duties ascribed to the Disciplinary Board and to the Aptitude Review Board by these Regulations. The President in some cases, such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct, may choose to remove cadets from the board to comply with an alleged victim wishes or to avoid embarrassment for the victim.
  4. The Sea Term Disciplinary Board and Aptitude Review Board shall consist of the following:
    1. Master of the Training Ship: Chairman.
    2. Chief Engineer: Member.
    3. Chief Mate: Member.
    4. Department Chairman/Training Coordinator: Member.
    5. Regimental Training Ship Commander: Member.
    6. Cadet Chief Mate/Cadet Chief Engineer: Member.
    7. The President may from time to time and at their sole discretion, whether temporarily or otherwise, appoint other officers to serve in the stead of those designated above or additional officers, if considered necessary.
  5. A quorum consisting of not fewer than four of the members is sufficient to convene either the Disciplinary Board or the Aptitude Review Board for the valid transaction of matters within the purview of either Board.  
  6. If a cadet is subject to multiple offenses, all deficiencies will be adjudicated at the highest board. Example: If a cadet is subject to a Class I board and Class II offenses associated with the same incident, the entire case will be adjudicated at the Class I board.
  7. When suspended or dismissed from the Academy, a suspended/former Cadet will not be permitted to enroll in any courses at the Academy, to include the Department of Continuing and Graduate Education, and any school sponsored Co-Op or Experiential Learning opportunities .


209  Procedures for Hearing Offenses

  1. Class III Offenses:
    1. Each Company Discipline Officer shall prepare a confidential mast list via MMA email for individual cadets who have been placed on report for Class III Offenses. It shall be the responsibility of the cadet notified to report to the Company Mast Board at the time and place indicated. If a cadet is pleading not guilty and has evidence to back up the claim, they shall provide clear and decisive documentation to the board the day of the mast hearing. The cadet shall sign a contract notification for awarded demerits and restriction with a breach in restriction resulting in a Class II. Failure to appear before the Class III Mast Board or to properly notify the Discipline Officer will result in automatic assignment of the demerits and restrictions listed in this manual for the offense charged. In addition, a mast report for offense 205-J-2-h (absence without authority from obligation through negligence) will be issued and addressed at the Commandant’s Mast Board (Class II Mast).
    2. After concluding any oral and/or written statement, the cadet on report will withdraw from the room while the Board deliberates their case. The Board will follow the schedule of punishments for Class III Offenses.
    3. Cadets awarded demerits by the Company Mast Board may appeal their cases in writing to their Company Officer within 24 hours after the posting of the decision. In doing so, they shall state in writing the grounds upon which they base their appeal. The decision of the Company Officer shall be final. In the case where the Company Officer is involved in awarding demerits, the cadet may appeal to the Deputy Commandant.



        1. Class II Offenses:
          1.  The Regimental Operations Officer shall prepare a confidential mast notification via MMA email for individual cadets who have been placed on report for a Class II offense. It shall be the responsibility of the cadet notified to report to the Commandant’s Mast Board at the time and place indicated. If a cadet is pleading not guilty and has evidence to back up the claim, they shall provide clear and decisive documentation to the board the day of the mast hearing. If the Commandant’s Mast Board does not have substantial evidence of the cadet offense in time for the mast hearing, the case may be suspended until such evidence is gathered. After concluding any cadet oral and/or written statement, the cadet on report will leave the room while the Board deliberates the case. The Board will follow the schedule of punishments for Class II Offenses. In addition, the cadet must sign a contract notification for awarded demerits and restriction with a breach in restriction resulting in a Class II.
          2. Unauthorized absence from Class II Mast will result in the Board hearing the charge with the cadet in absentia. In addition to the demerit and restriction penalty awarded for the original offense, a penalty will be awarded for missing the mast (offense 205-J-2h). Any absence must be approved by either the Chairperson of the Class II Mast Board or the Regimental Operations Officer prior to the mast hearing.
          3. Should the Commandant’s Mast Board determine that a Class I Offense is involved, such offense will be handled in accordance with Article 209-C. If subsequently classified as a Class I Offense, any previously submitted statement will be returned to the cadet, and such statement will not be used in subsequent proceedings without the consent of the cadet. The Commandant’s Mast Board, after hearing mitigating arguments by the charged cadet, can reclassify a Class II Offense to a Class III Offense. The board shall then proceed with and follow the schedule of punishment for a Class III Offense.
          4. Cadets awarded demerits and/or punishment as a result of being found guilty of a Class II Offense may appeal in writing or via email to the Deputy Commandant of Cadets within 24 hours of the time that the cadet is informed of the decision. In doing so, the cadet shall state in writing the grounds upon which their appeal is based and include information unavailable at the time of the hearing. The Deputy Commandant of Cadets will then review the decision of the Commandant’s Mast Board and the grounds upon which the appeal is based and shall render a decision. The decision of the Deputy Commandant of Cadets will be final. If the Deputy Commandant of Cadets is involved in a case, the appeal will be heard by the Commandant of Cadets. The Deputy Commandant of Cadets or designee may also suspend the findings of the Commandant’s Mast. Said suspension shall be prescribed by the Deputy Commandant of Cadets or designee and all stipulations must be met for the duration of the suspension. Failure to adhere to all of the stipulations will automatically nullify the suspension and the original findings will be reinstated. This includes the guilty findings of another mast sheet for any offense or at the discretion of the Deputy Commandant of Cadets or designee. 


        1. Class I Offenses:
          1. Deputy Commandant of Cadets classifies a deficiency as a possible Class I Offense and has the approval of the Commandant, the cadet concerned shall be advised immediately that a formal investigation has been initiated. If the investigation determines that a Class I charge is warranted the Deputy Commandant will issue a formal notice containing formal charges and specifications in writing. The Deputy Commandant of Cadets shall advise the cadet that they may submit a written statement in reply to the investigation within 48 hours. If the cadet does not desire to make such a statement, they must indicate this in writing. If, however, they choose to make a statement, it will become part of the record in any subsequent investigation or hearing.
          2. The Deputy Commandant of Cadets shall give the cadet not less than 72 hours’ notice of the time, date, and location of the hearing scheduled to be held before the Disciplinary Board. No hearing will be held during the 72 hours within which the cadet may respond in writing to the formal charges and specifications. Such notice may be given together with or apart from the written statement of charges and specifications as the Deputy Commandant may determine in each case. Email notice is considered proper notice.
          3. Every cadet formally charged with having committed a Class I Offense shall be free to select as counsel any Academy faculty or officer willing to serve. In the event that the cadet is unwilling or unable to obtain such counsel, the Deputy Commandant of Cadets shall appoint an officer to serve in such capacity. The cadet must notify the Deputy Commandant of their choice of counsel, or of the inability to obtain counsel, within 48 hours.
          4. A Cadet’s counsel shall function as an advisor rather than as an advocate. Counsel is to provide the cadet with guidance so as to enable the cadet to present their position, truthfully and with clarity and accuracy. Counsel shall appear before the board with the cadet to hear the charges in the Class I Offense, and counsel shall be granted permission to address such remarks as they desire to the Board on behalf of the cadet.
          5. All information, remarks and advice passing between the cadet and their counsel shall be deemed privileged and confidential. Cadets accused of offenses which subject them to criminal liability should be aware that their communications with advisors are not protected by the attorney/client privilege.
          6.  Counsel may be assigned to render such other assistance to the cadet as the Deputy Commandant of Cadets shall deem appropriate. Whenever the events, on the basis of which a cadet formally has been charged with a Class I offense, constitute the basis for any pending and potential criminal proceedings, the cadet so charged shall be entitled to have an attorney present during the course of the hearing held pursuant to Article 209-C. Such attorney shall be permitted to advise the cadet concerning their rights and the presentation of their case but shall not be entitled to question the cadet or any other witness or to make any argument or presentation to the Board. The cost of any such attorney shall be the responsibility of the cadet
          7. Prior to the convening of the Class I Disciplinary Board, the cadet so charged may voluntarily submit their resignation. The Chairperson of the board may refuse to accept the resignation of the cadet.
            1. Should a cadet choose to resign prior to the adjudication of disciplinary offenses, the offenses will be considered pending. Should a former cadet, at a later date, apply for readmission, the offenses must be adjudicated before the former cadet is considered for readmission. The length of time a former cadet has been away from the Academy will have no bearing on the pending offenses.
            2. Any cadet who abruptly leaves the Academy without formally resigning and/or abandons their regimental obligations and duties, who has pending a Class I Mast Report, or is scheduled for or about to be scheduled for an aptitude review board, and/or is the subject of an Honors violation investigation, and/or Class I investigation, will by default be considered dismissed from the Academy for discip