Museum Visitor Information


Hours of Operation:   Monday - Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm ET.  Closed on weekends, national holidays and Massachusetts state holidays.

Directions:  Located at 101 Academy Drive in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts.


Where to Park:   Parking spots along the Cape Cod Canal are indicated on the campus map, which is in the Museum Exhibit tour app. Vehicles with a handicap license or placard may park in any handicap spot on campus.  

Cost of the tour:   Free!  

Time to complete:  Plan approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete the tour.

Last tour stop:    Visit the Academy Bookstore in Kurz Hall as the last stop on your museum tour.  
Don't forget to purchase some MMA "swag" at the Bookstore before leaving campus!

More information: Visit the Academy website for more detailed information about the Academy at 

Mass Maritime Academy

Please note:   Some of the museum exhibits are located near classrooms.  Please keep this in mind and avoid disturbing classes while visiting the exhibits.

Thank you and enjoy your museum tour!!