
Office Location
Phone Number
Office Location
Captain’s Office, USTS Patriot State
Phone Number


Mike Campbell is a 1987 graduate of the Academy and was hired as our Second Mate in December 2013.  With the retirement of our previous Chief Mate, he became our Acting Chief Mate in December 2014.  As Chief Mate, he is responsible for implementing safety management for all personnel, as well as planned maintenance of ship’s interior and exterior spaces, including machinery as required.  In August of 2016, Mike was selected to be the Master of the T. S. Kennedy.  This assignment will merge with Chief Mate duties except during activations.

Licenses and certification include BS Degree in Marine Transportation;  USCG Master of Steam and Motor Vessels of any gross tons upon oceans;  Medical Care Person in Charge;  GMDSS Radio Operator;  Radar Observer Unlimited;  Tankerman;  Vessel Security Officer.

Office Location
Pier Office
Phone Number
Office Location
Patriot State
Phone Number
Office Location
Patriot State
Phone Number
Office Location
Patriot State
Phone Number
Office Location
Phone Number
Office Location



Office Location
Phone Number
Office Location