FTV Project Gallery: PreK Students Create Colorful Compass Roses (Mashpee, MA)

Cadets and crew members on the Bridge of the TS Kennedy are wishing that the Compass Rose images found on nautical charts were as colorful as those created by the PreK students at the Kenneth C. Combs School in Mashpee, Massachusetts

On a modern nautical chart, the compass rose is represented by two circles, one inside the other.  

compass rose on nautical chart
nautical chart

The colorful compass roses created by the KCC students are more similar to those found on these antique maps of the Caribbean.  

antique nautical chart
caribbean map

Look at these masterpieces!

preschool child holding colored compass rose
preschool child holding colored compass rose
preschool child holding colored compass rose
preschool child holding colored compass rose
preschool child holding colored compass rose
preschool child holding colored compass rose
preschool child holding colored compass rose

Thank you, KCC students