Cadet Blog: 4/C Jack Schrier (IMB - Rockville, MD) 2-13-23


Sometimes there are technological challenges at sea.  I am excited to have just received Jack’s blog from Wednesday, 2-8.

“I think I'm starting to like this ship, I think. Today was an earlier day than usual. The cadets majoring in International Maritime Business were given the opportunity to observe Bridge Watch. My watch was 0800-1200 this morning, but you are supposed to show up 45 minutes early so it was really 0715-1115. The Bridge is the brain of the ship. Not only do you steer, check the compass, and look at the radar, but you also receive and create weather reports, use maps to chart your position and your heading (old school), or check the time of day by looking at the position of the sun and the horizon.

Today I was given the chance to steer the ship. My job while steering is to read the gyrocompass which shows true north, and to stay on a certain degree, which was 293 degrees. This was my second time steering and it was much harder because the seas were a little rough. I think I only put us a few degrees off course so we should be fine. During my watch we passed by Cuba which was pretty cool to see.  We also passed by a few ships today.


After I was relieved from watch we had a lifeboat drill around 1600 (4:00 PM). As exciting as it sounds to wear a long sleeve shirt, pants and an obscure life vest while listening to my lacrosse captain call off the last names on a muster list in 90-degree heat for an hour, it isn't. However, it is a requirement for our ship to do so because it helps teaches cadets and crew what to do in an emergency.

Lastly, I ended the day with a team picture of the lacrosse team.

lacross team photo on  deck
men's lacrosse logo

Our last port is coming up, Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  I'm excited to see it. I haven't been to Fort Lauderdale in a long time, so I'm interested to see what has changed since then. Also, I have lost all of my lacrosse balls.  Donations will be accepted.”

Thanks for your blog, Jack!  I am sorry for the technical difficulties.  The lacrosse team photo is awesome.  Enjoy your last week aboard the TS Kennedy.


Students, I was imagining all of the team's lost lacrosse balls floating in the ocean until I read this article,  3 Major Reasons Why Lacrosse Balls Don't Float In Water.

Check out the article.  Then do an experiment using both fresh water and salt water.

lacrosse balls in sink